
来源 :恩施州党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mc76759
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在全面建设小康社会的历史时期和经济全球化的背景下,作为经济文化相对独立单元的恩施州如何走新型工业化道路是恩施州380万各族人民十分关注的问题。恩施州处于工业化初级阶段,要加快工业经济发展,一是要坚定五大支柱工业的方向,二要大力培育工作市场主体,三是要加快大基础设施建设,为工业发展搭建平台,四是要加快工业园区建设,形成工业经济的新的增长极,五是大力招商引资,加快工业经济发展。同时要处理好三次产业发展、工业化与城镇化、发展新型工业与传统工业的三个关系,促进恩施州工业经济的振兴。 Under the background of building a well-off society in an all-round way and the background of economic globalization, how to take a new road to industrialization in Enshi as a relatively independent unit of economy and culture is a matter of great concern to all the people of all ethnic groups in Enshi Prefecture of 3.8 million. Enshi prefecture is in the initial stage of industrialization, to speed up industrial economic development, one is to strengthen the direction of the five pillar industries, the second is to vigorously cultivate the main body of the work market, the third is to speed up the construction of large infrastructures, to build a platform for industrial development, the fourth is to speed up The construction of industrial parks forms a new growth pole of industrial economy. Fifthly, it vigorously invites foreign investment and accelerates industrial economic development. At the same time, it is necessary to handle the three relations between industrial development, industrialization and urbanization three times and develop new-type industries and traditional industries so as to promote the rejuvenation of the industrial economy in Enshi Prefecture.
人头马的中国攻略仍坚守高端市场,不追求数量扩张,只谋取效益总量。洋酒似乎已成了有钱阶级的一种时尚、身份和权势的象征。据称,每年进入 Remy Martin China Raiders still
2003年是电力体制改革后新格局形成的第1年,快速增长的国民经济拉动了电力工业供需两旺。根据中电联最新发布的《全国电力工业统计快报》,2003年全国发电量迭1908 TW·h,同
人物档案姓名:黄劲松性别:男祖籍:福建安溪目前年龄:28岁个人简历:1998年毕业于福州大学管理工程系2000年 2001年6月任求质(福建)体育用品有限公司片区经理2001年6月 2003年
进入21世纪,我国信息技术飞速发展,已经渗透到经济建设和社会生活的各个方面,软件产业因此成为突出体现技术和产品高附加值的产业。与此同时,软件产业的发展 In the 21st c