Behind the Box Office

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaonvshashou
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  The homegrown fantasy-adventure-comedy Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons was the highest grossing film in 2013, netting $205 million at the box office. Moreover, six other domestically produced films made it into China’s top 10 box-office earners, with the remaining three all being Hollywood blockbusters. In 2012, it was the reverse: Only three Chinese movies made it into China’s box office top 10, while U.S.-made movies accounted for the remaining seven.
  A waning interest in the repetitive themes of Hollywood blockbusters—unbeatable superheroes, animated adventures and disaster epics all rendered with computer-generated imagery—plus the forced creation of “Chinese elements” inserted from time to time in an effort to draw in Chinese viewers, may account for the increasing number of cinemagoers choosing homegrown productions.
  What is most important behind this sharp change though, is Chinese movies themselves are getting better. Captivating stories are being presented by new directors to reflect the real lives of today’s young people. With the average age of moviegoers in China being only 21.7 years old, the success of such productions is understandable. 2013 also saw more screens added; more variation in films’ subject matter, covering a wider range of audiences; and more professional and comprehensive marketing campaigns.
  However, the better performance of China’s films at home did not guarantee their box-office takings overseas. Unclear plots, unrecognized casts and poor translation have been chronic obstacles facing Chinese filmmakers for decades. Forming partnerships with Hollywood production companies might be an option for breaking into the international market. Partnership models involving a mixture of financing and casting need to be revised to create productions that are both uniquely Chinese and internationally accessible. After all, telling local stories in a way that is easy for overseas viewers to understand is the most challenging task for any artists seeking cross-cultural success—filmmakers are no exception.
著名特级教师陈钟梁说:“语文课是美的,这种美潜伏在语言的深处。语文课首先要上出语文味儿,要上得朴素自然,要向学生传递语言深处的美。”这就告诉我们,语文教师应多引导学生在文本中多走几个来回,在文本的深处觅得语言味道,提高言语能力。  一、细嚼演绎寻觅语言深处的味道  让学生走进文本,把文本的语言读深、读厚,不断丰富文本语言的意境,让学生用内心感悟,入情入境地与文本语言内容进行对话交流,对文本语言内容
摘 要: 在学讲计划实施中体现学生主体地位,需要高中语文教师深入研究教学流程,精准设计教学方案,聚合资源推动教学工作开展。  关键词: 高中语文 学讲计划 主体地位  学讲计划是徐州地区开展的一项行之有效的成果丰硕的教学改革,广大教师和各学科的教学都受益匪浅。在学讲计划执行的过程中,体现学生主体地位是非常重要的课题,直接关系教学成效和学生能力培养的综合效果。  一、指导要求学生自主深入先学一步  
语文是中职学校三大文化基础课程之一,课堂教学是教育实践和实践教学的主要形式,是培养学生创新意识和实践能力的主要途径。新课程标准强调课堂教学不只是传授文本概念,而是重在帮助引导学生认识文本,体验情感,从而自主建构知识体系,强化实践能力;通俗地讲,就是从“学会”到“会学”,关键在于概念创新。  一、切实尊重学生的主体地位  努力发挥非智力因素的积极作用,全面开发概念创新的潜能。学习是一种发自内在的精神