越南吸引外资初具规模 效益欠佳

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据《国际商报》和《金融时报》援引外电报道,越南自1988年允许外国人在越投资以来,已吸引了25亿美元的外国投资,但效益欠佳。1988年越南政府批准的外国对越直接投资为3.6亿美元,1989增为5.1亿美元,1990年达到5.9亿美元,1991年上升为10亿美元。为了加速吸引外国投资和技术,越南政府已通过一项允许在国内建立经济特区的法令。根据这项法令,外国投资者将获准在特区居留,为期50年,而且还可以延长。现已开设了一个工业特区和一个出口加工特区。在出口加工区,既可以设立100%的外资公司,也可以设立 According to the International Business Daily and Financial Times, which quoted foreign reports, since Vietnam allowed foreigners to invest more money in 1988, it has attracted 2.5 billion U.S. dollars in foreign investment, but the efficiency is not good. In 1988 the foreign direct foreign investment approved by the Vietnamese government was US$360 million, in 1989 it was US$510 million, in 1990 it was US$5.9 billion, and in 1991 it was US$1 billion. In order to accelerate the attraction of foreign investment and technology, the Vietnamese government has passed a decree allowing the establishment of special economic zones in the country. According to this decree, foreign investors will be allowed to stay in the SAR for a period of 50 years and can be extended. An industrial zone and an export processing zone have now been opened. In export processing zones, 100% foreign-owned companies can be set up or established.
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