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为解析苹果钙调蛋白基因MdCaM在非生物胁迫过程中的功能.以秦冠苹果为材料,克隆了苹果MdCaM基因,并利用MEGA 5.0软件对其编码的蛋白进行了聚类分析,利用qPCR分析了MdCaM在采后损伤、低氧、高温等胁迫条件下的表达模式.结果表明,不同物种间钙调蛋白具有较高的同源性,MdCaM与拟南芥的钙调蛋白CaM1基因关系较近;qPCR结果表明,MdCaM在损伤、低氧胁迫(0 O2或3% O2)后均呈先升高后恢复正常水平的表达模式,损伤后6h达到峰值,低氧(0 O2)处理1h后达到峰值;高温(20℃/40℃)诱导后其表达量高于同期对照组,并在处理后12 h达到峰值,表明该基因可能参与了高温胁迫下的全程响应.因此推测,MdCaM基因可能在苹果适应损伤、高温、低氧等逆境胁迫过程中发挥重要作用,可能参与了苹果生长发育过程中的逆境调控.为后继研究MdCaM的功能和作用机制奠定基础.“,”In order to identify the function of MdCaM gene in apple under different abiotic stresses.MdCaM gene was cloned by RT-PCR from apple,and phylogenetic tree was clustered based on amino acid of it.Also,the relative expression levels of MdCaM gene was analyzed by Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) method under wound,low-oxygen,high-temperature stress during apple fruit storage.The results showed that Calmodulin gene had high homology in different species,and MdCaM gene had a closer relationship with Arabidopsis thaliana CaM1.qPCR analysis showed that the transcription level of MdCaM was up-regulated in the early stage,then returned to the normal level after wound and low-oxygen (0 O2 and 3 % O2) stress,the difference was wound stress peak at 6 h,while low-oxygen (0 O2) stress peak at 1 h.Also,MdCaM was up-regulated under high-tempera ture (20 ℃ and 40 ℃) stress compared to control,and the expression level was the highest at 12 h under stress,which indicated that MdCaM gene might be involved in the whole process of high-temperature stress-responsive.These results suggested that MdCaM might function as an stress-responsive gene under wound,high-temperature,low-oxygen stresses during apple storage.This research provided a theoretical basis for further study of the function and molecular regulation mechanism of MdCaM.