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王南溟:整体性、同一性的艺术批许瓦解后,艺术进入了判断卜的片断主义中,这样艺术史就由以往以好画家为核心的组成方式转为有意义的艺术家为核心的组成方式组成。艺术家的作品在相对的语境中产牛相对的有效性,这就是艺术文本——语境的网络状态,它要求我们在创作上克服我们通常所受的教育并至今仍为我们付诸实际的整体性欲望,即希望自己的观点或艺术是涵盖全部而且又是绝对有效的,由于这种重整体性、同一性的习惯方式还在占据着今天的艺术家的头脑,致使当今的艺术恰恰丢弃了当代文化与艺术最新的向度,即由片断性取代整体性。绝对整体性曾经导致过艺术的“假、大、空”,这种“假、大,空”在今天仍然延续着,而当艺术轱向其片断而具体的语境时,艺术就是对具体问题的持续的提问,有意义的艺术家正是在这种提问中产生。我们考察这种艺术即是考察具艺术在它的语境小的意义及这种意义在今天的衬会文化小所处的位置,所以艺术的判断如此地复杂,以至于我们很难仅仅直接面对文本的方式作出判断,它是有关文化诒境丌放后,问题在机遇的状态中形成的各方面田络的结合,唯有对这种网绍的尊重和深入到网络的分析,才能把握某艺术作品的真正意义。正是这样,今天的艺术批评性质已被改换,它不再是鉴赏性地推荐好作品,而足对 Wang Nanming: After art criticism of integrity and identity collapsed, art entered the fragmentism of judging divination, so that the art history is composed of the compositional approach of turning a good painter at the core into a meaningful artist at the core . The relative validity of an artist’s work in a relative context is the state of the art text-a network of contexts that requires us to overcome creatively the education we normally receive and still give us an actual whole today Sexual desire, which means that its own point of view or art is all-encompassing and absolutely effective, and because of this reformatory and identity customary way of occupying the minds of today’s artists, the art of today just discards contemporary The latest dimension of culture and art, that is, the fragility replaces the integrity. Absolute integrity has led to the art of “fake, big and empty”, this “fake, big and empty” still continue today, and art as the fragment to the specific context, the art is to specific issues Of the ongoing questions, it is in this kind of questioning that a meaningful artist is born. Our examination of this art is to examine the significance of art in its context and its place in today’s society, so the judgments of art are so complex that it is difficult for us to find the direct Judging from the way of the text, it is a combination of fields and fields formed in the state of opportunity after the cultural environment is in its infancy. Only when we respect and deepen the analysis of this kind of network to the network can we grasp The true meaning of a work of art. In this way, the nature of the art criticism of today has been changed. It no longer appreciates the recommendation of good works,
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