
来源 :林业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivanny
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一、前言湖北省西部地区为大山区,大巴山脉余支及武陵山脉的荆門支脉和石门支脉,纵横盘亘于长江和清江两岸,真是冈峦重叠,万山盘结,更兼气候温暖,雨量充足,年平均温度约15℃左右,年降雨量达1,200毫米以上,故植物生长异常繁茂,为发展林业生产的重要地区;据当地群众历来经营习惯,大概划分拔海1,300米以上地区为高山;拔海800—1,300米地区为二高山,拔海800米以下地区为低山,低山区主要经营粮食生产,二高山亦多为农作坡地及特种经济林木经营区,惟高山地区由于气候较寒,且多为石灰岩石质山地,农 I. INTRODUCTION The western region of Hubei Province is the mountainous area, the remaining branches of the Daba Mountains and the Jingmen branch and the Shimen branch of the Wuling Mountains. The vertical and horizontal plates lie on the banks of the Changjiang and Qingjiang rivers. Sufficient, the annual average temperature of about 15 ℃, annual rainfall of 1,200 mm or more, so the abnormal growth of plants lush, for the development of an important area for forestry production; According to the local people have always been operating habits, about 1,300 meters pulling the sea above the region; In the area of ​​800-1,300 meters above sea level, there are two alpine mountains in the area of ​​800-1,300 meters above sea level, low mountains below 800 meters in pull-sea, grain production in low mountainous areas, and agricultural slopes and special economic forest-growing areas in the second high mountains. However, , And mostly limestone mountain, farming
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