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7月24日,东营市劳动局监察科及时查处了桓台县索镇建筑公司一建筑队强迫5名民工劳动案件。 7月2日,在东营施工的桓台县索镇建筑公司一建筑队,从沂水县朱戈镇招来了刘某、高某等5名民工。在此期间,这五名民工感到生活不习惯,活太累,又没签订劳动合同,便于20日提出回家。当时,建筑队的队长说:“你们想走能走得了吗?”刘某等5名民工执意要走。队长就叫其弟找人开车拦截,强行将已经上路的民工带回了工地。派人白天看着他们干活,晚上看着他们睡觉,使他们失去了人身自由。24日上午,其中两名民工偷跑出来后,向东营市劳动局监察科举报了这一事件。当天下午,监察科的同志便冒雨赶往建筑队调查处理此事。在 July 24, Dongying City Labor Bureau Supervision Division promptly investigated and dealt with the Huantai County cable construction company forced a forced labor force five construction workers. On July 2, a construction team at Suocheng County Suocheng Construction Company in Dongying City recruited 5 migrant workers including Liu and Gao from Yugu Town of Yishui County. During this period, the five migrant workers felt that they were not accustomed to living, they were too tired to live, and they did not sign a labor contract so they could come back home on the 20th. At that time, the captain of the construction team said: “You want to go go?” "Liu and other five migrant workers insist on going. The captain called his brother to find someone to drive intercept, forcibly returned migrant workers already on the road back to the site. They were sent to watch them work during the day and watch them sleep at night, causing them to lose their personal freedom. On the morning of the 24th, two of the migrant workers stole them and reported this incident to the Supervision Section of Dongying Labor Bureau. On the afternoon of that day, Comrades in the Supervisory Section took the rain to the construction team to investigate and handle the incident. in
This review revises the reclassification of the membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis(MPGN) after the consensus conference that by 2015 reclassified all the
“祝贺您吴老。你胜利了我们高兴!”“您老给我们百姓出了口气,谢谢您!”“胜利应该属于‘上帝’!”1995年5月13日,中国国际贸易中心(以下简称国贸中心)诉吴祖 “Congratu