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2012年12月底,长江中游城市群基本确定为以武汉城市圈、长株潭城市群、鄱阳湖经济圈为核心的超级区域经济结合体。南昌主动融入长江中游城市群建设,意义重大。本文从分析长江中游城市群中心城市经济税收现状入手,对南昌参与长江中游城市群建设的经济税收发展情况进行评价和SWOT分析,提出了弱化“行政区经济”的负面效应,制定南昌参与长江中游城市群建设的发展规划,建立南昌与长江中游城市融合发展的产业价值链多元合作战略联盟,构筑南昌新兴产业高地和区域特色市场体系,构建内外等级规模有序的城镇体系网络和推进南昌与长江中游城市的科技、人才合作平台建设等工作思路。 By the end of December 2012, the urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River have basically been identified as a combination of super-regional economies with Wuhan City Circle, Chang-Zhu-Tan City Group and Poyang Lake Economic Circle as the core. Nanchang initiative to integrate into the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is of great significance. This article starts with the analysis of the status quo of economic tax in the central cities of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, evaluates and analyzes the economic tax revenue development of Nanchang in the urban agglomeration of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, puts forward the negative effect of weakening the “administrative district economy” Middle reaches of the urban agglomeration development planning, the establishment of Nanchang and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River cities in the development of the integration of industrial value chain diversified strategic alliance to build Nanchang emerging industry highland and regional characteristics of the market system, build internal and external levels of orderly urban system network and promote Nanchang and The middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River cities of science and technology, personnel cooperation platform construction ideas.
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WH4综合管线工程车是一辆在地下管线施工工程中有效、实用的小型多功能土方机械。本文介绍了WH4综合管线工程车的总体结构、各主要参数、工作装置及其功能。 WH4 integrated pipel
樊大牛 1973年8月生,陕西彬县人。精书,善画,长于金石篆刻。出版有《樊大牛书画集》、《樊大牛书画印》等。多次在全国各类大展赛中获奖,举办个人画展,曾为党和国家领导人治
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