
来源 :中国医学科学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangzjc1234
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血液触变性是指血液粘度依赖于切变率和剪切持续时间的特性。触变参数的测定能全面、动态、定量地反映血液的流变特性。本研究创造了双阶跃剪切测定法,简化了测定手段,提高了准确度。系统测定了314名中国成年人全血触变参数,分析性别和年龄对此参数的影响。首先澄清了国际上认为血液流变参数与性别年龄无关的误解。阐明脑血管病和肺心病患者血液触变参数比健康人有明显的变化,这些参数可作为诊断此疾病的定量指标。用4种药物在体外、2种药物在脑血栓患者体内进行实验,结果不同药物影 Blood thixotropy refers to the characteristic that blood viscosity depends on shear rate and shear duration. Determination of thixotropic parameters can fully, dynamically and quantitatively reflect the rheological properties of the blood. This study created a double-step shear assay that simplifies the assay and increases accuracy. The system was used to determine the thrombolysis parameters of whole blood of 314 Chinese adults, and the influence of gender and age on this parameter was analyzed. First of all, it clarifies the international misunderstanding that blood rheology parameters are not related to gender and age. To clarify that blood thrombosis parameters in patients with cerebrovascular disease and pulmonary heart disease have obvious changes than those in healthy people, and these parameters can be used as quantitative indicators to diagnose this disease. Four drugs in vitro, two kinds of drugs in patients with cerebral thrombosis in the experiment, the results of different drugs
采用OV-101/ChromosorbWAW-DMCS(150μm~180μm)为色谱柱内标定量法。该方法标准偏差024,变异系数为098%,回收率毒死蜱为992%,甲氰菊酯为987%。 Using OV-101 / ChromosorbWAW-DMCS (150μm ~ 180μm) for the internal sta
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