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一、知识经济的形势和教育改革的必要性所谓知识经济指的是以知识为基础的经济,它是建立在知识的生产、分配和使用之上的经济。知识经济中的主导要素是知识,它的核心是以智能为代表的人力资本,以高科技为代表的技术知识和以科技为核心构造的新生产力体系。在知识经济社会,经济效益越来越依赖于知识和创新而不再是有形的资产,知识作为解决国家面临经济困境的重要措施越来越多地被运用于工商活动之中。当今世界范围内政治、经济、军事等领域的全面竞争,其实质就是科学技术的全面竞争,而科学技术竞争的胜败则取决于科学技术上有所发明有所创造的人才。美国学者罗杰斯在《走向创造力的理论》一文中指出:“在建设性和破坏性的知识都在以巨人的步伐前进而又是走向绝对幻想式的原子时代,我们的世界像万花 First, the situation of knowledge-based economy and the need for educational reform The so-called knowledge-based economy refers to the knowledge-based economy, which is based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge economy. The leading factor in the knowledge economy is knowledge. Its core is human capital represented by intelligence, technical knowledge represented by high technology and new productivity system constructed by science and technology. In a knowledge-based economy, economic benefits are increasingly dependent on knowledge and innovation and are no longer tangible assets. Knowledge as an important measure to solve the economic difficulties facing the country is increasingly being applied to business activities. The essence of all-round competition in political, economic and military fields in the world today is the full-scale competition in science and technology. The competition for science and technology depends on the creation of talents created by inventions in science and technology. American scholar Rogers pointed out in his article entitled ”Toward a Theory of Creativity:" In the age of giant and the fantastic atomic era of constructive and destructive knowledge, our world is like a flower
我刊记者最近就开展读书活动和出版工作反对精神污染问题,访问了中央宣传部出版局局长许力以同志,现将访问记录刊载如下: My journalists recently conducted reading activ
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《读书》一九八二年第二期贾祖璋同志写的《评》一文,对《昆虫》一书以及科学出版社和美国时代公司合作出版该公司的一套《生活自然文库》的中文版特辑提出了一些批评意见和看法。我作为一个编者在此表示欢迎,并提出我们的看法。  《评昆虫》一文提出的一些具体批评意见是正确的。我们对原译文在某些地方用词不当或个别科学性错误,未能校正。除此以外,《评昆虫》一文中有些意见是因不了解编辑出版这套丛书的过程而产生的误解;
一、种子科学与技术(Seed Science CndTechncl)国际种子检验协会从1925年开始发行《协会会刊》,1973年改名为《种子科学与技术》。16开本,每年发行3—4期。共约有800——100
1968年国际实用温标(IPTS-68)的温度 T_(68)的下限止于13.81K,即平衡氢的三相点。只是在其文本的附录Ⅱ中提到温度范围0.2K~5.2K 的实用温标的温度可从~4He和~3He 蒸汽压的测
AIM: To investigate optimal timing for therapeutic efficacy of entecavir for acute-on-chronic hepatitis B liver failure (ACLF-HBV) in hepatitis B e antigen (HBe