
来源 :职业医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meng010
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Due to the requirements for mobile robots to search or rescue in unknown environments, reactive navigation which plays an essential role in these applications h
浓香袭人,花开如笑,以花姿而得名的含笑香、色、形俱佳,自古就深受我国人民喜爱并得到广泛栽培。含笑(Michelia figo)原产我国广东、福建等地,是木兰科的常绿灌木,株高2-3米,分枝
1993年8~9月用(WISC-CR)量表对某校1~3年级122名6~12岁儿童进行个人智能测验结果:IQ值优秀13人,中上36人,中等61人,中下8人,临界状态4人。 From August to September in 1993,
This paper is concerned with the set-membership filtering problem for a class of linear time-varying systems with norm-bounded noises and impulsive measurement