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我县因部分机手对整体式液压机构的技术调整掌握不准,出现不少机车升降不灵敏的故障,影响了农时和作业质量。经重点推广了以下几项技术调整措施后,收到了良好的效果(以丰收-35型机车为例)。一、力调节弹簧的调整首先拆掉配套农具,将提升臂放在最低位置,里手柄放到“快降”位置,外手柄放到扇形板长槽的下部,检查力调节弹簧的端面是否有间隙,如有间隙可拧出摇臂上的螺钉,放松固定螺钉,转动弹簧座螺 Due to the fact that some of the handgrips are not in a position to master the technical adjustment of the integral hydraulic mechanism, many faults and failures of locomotive lifting and lifting have occurred, affecting the agricultural time and the operation quality. After the key promotion of the following technical adjustments, it received good results (with the harvest -35 locomotive as an example). First, adjust the force adjustment spring First remove the supporting farm tools, the lift arm on the lowest position, the handle into the “fast drop” position, the outer handle on the lower part of the long fan-shaped slot, check the force adjustment spring end Is there a gap, if there is a gap can screw out the arm on the screw, loosen the set screw, turn the spring seat screw
据报道,Midrex技术公司(日本神户钢公司子公司)近期统计数据显示,2002年全球22国直接还原铁产量再创新高,达到4508万万to 按国家统计,委内瑞拉直接还原铁产量达到历史性的68
Flooding in wetland rice fields soon after transplanting results in displacement of soil air (including O2). Thus any dissolved O2 in the pore water is consumed
Mike Coury,阳光帅气的美国大男孩。2008年加盟苏外,担任ICE和AP课程的数学教学,教学主管兼校长助理。2014年1月,Mike放弃回美国读博士的机会,留在苏外,续写他的中国梦。Bess
本文取自“关注48个生活细节”少年儿童良好品德和行为习惯养成教育活动学习好习惯细节之阅读好书不能少——培养经常阅读的习惯。 This article comes from “concern 48
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一、DC1 50循环式谷物烘干机(见第24页图2)的特点1.自动化程度高,操作简单,可按需进行自动操作或手动操作。故障自动显示,一目了然,便于迅速查找和排除,安全实用。2.采用一炉
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