Surface characteristics and structure of oxide films containing Ca and P on Ti substrate

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong443
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The oxide films were obtained in an electrolyte of calcium glycerphosphate (Ca-GP) and calcium acetate (CA) by microarc oxidation (MAO). The oxide films displayed a porous and rough structure on the film surface, and the roughness tended to increase with increasing voltage of microarc oxidation. The oxide film exhibited a uniform coating and tends to be well boned to the substrate. The thickness of oxide films depended on the final voltage at a constant concentration of electrolyte solution. Ca and P were also incorporated into the oxide film during the microarc oxidation process. It was found that the electrolyte of calcium glycerphosphate (Ca-GP) and calcium acetate (CA) was suitable for microarc oxidation to form oxide film containing Ca and P on Ti substrate. The concentration of Ca and P were 11.6 at% and 6.4 at%, respectively, when microarc oxidation was performed in the electrolyte of 0.06 M Ca-GP and 0.25 M CA at current density 50 A/m~2 and final voltage 350 V. The composition of the Ca, P and Ti changed during depth profiling. The crystalline phases were only anatase when final voltage was below 300 V and rutile was presented when voltage was up to 350 V. The microstructure, phase structure and phase composition were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM), energy dispersive X-ray microanalyser (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The oxide films were obtained in an electrolyte of calcium glycerophosphate (Ca-GP) and calcium acetate (CA) by microarc oxidation (MAO). The oxide films displayed a porous and rough structure on the film surface, and the roughness tended to increase with increasing voltage of microarc oxidation. The thickness of oxide films depended on the substrate. The thickness of oxide films depended on the final voltage at a constant concentration of electrolyte solution. Ca and P were also incorporated into the oxide It was found that the electrolyte of calcium glycerol phosphate (Ca-GP) and calcium acetate (CA) was suitable for microarc oxidation to form oxide film containing Ca and P on Ti substrate. The concentration of Ca and P were 11.6 at% and 6.4 at%, respectively, when microarc oxidation was performed in the electrolyte of 0.06 M Ca-GP and 0.25 M CA at current density 50 A / m 2 and final voltage of 350 V. The composition of the Ca, P and Ti changed during depth profiling. The crystalline phases were only anatase when final voltage was below 300 V and rutile was presented when voltage was up to 350 V. The microstructure, phase structure and phase composition were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM), energy dispersive X-ray microanalyser (EDX), and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
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