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改革开放以来,随着农村家庭联产承包责任制的巩固和完善,农村多种经营得到了长足的发展,特别是获利较高的农林特产品发展更是迅速,产量不断上升,商品率越来越高,为农林特产税的征收提供丁取之不尽的源泉。为此,如何堵塞偷税漏税,又避免重复征税,改革和完善现行农林特产品外销外运纳税证制度已是当务之急。一、外销外运证管理的现状一是注重税票,忽视对外销外运证的管理。有些基层财政所的领导认为,只要加强税票和有价证券的管理就行了,对外销外运证的管理很少过问。二是人人填开外销外运证。外销外运证作为一种票据,其领用和保管,一般都应有专人负责,但使用时往往出现乱填乱开的状况,使少数农林特产品生产 Since the reform and opening up, with the consolidation and improvement of rural household contract responsibility system, diversified businesses in rural areas have made great strides. In particular, the more profitable agricultural and forestry special products are developing rapidly, the output is continuously rising, The higher it comes, the more the source of income for the collection of special agricultural and forestry taxes. To this end, how to block the tax evasion and tax evasion, and avoid double taxation, reform and improve the current system of export tax rebates for agricultural and forestry products export is a top priority. First, the status quo of export trucking management First, pay attention to tax receipts, ignoring the management of export sales permit. Some grassroots financial leaders believe that as long as the management of tax receipts and securities is strengthened, the management of the export of foreign passports is rarely questioned. Second, fill in all foreign export permit. Outward transportation permit as a bill, its use and custody, generally should be someone responsible, but often chaos chaos open when the use of the situation so that a small number of special agricultural and forestry products
1982~1984年间,我们在青田、缙云、丽水、云和等县,对油茶刺绵蚧(Metacero-nema japonica)的发生发展规律及种群数量变化进行了调查,以便为油茶刺绵蚧的防治和测报提供科学依
摘要流传在广西左江中游壮族地区的广西壮族左江采茶,经过年久演变,形成了具备少数民族特色的音乐特征。本文通过《开台茶》、《茶》、《麒麟灯》三个典型曲调,阐述和分析了其音乐特征,及对弘扬和挖掘民间文化的意义。  关键词:广西 壮族 左江 采茶 音乐  中图分类号:J607 文献标识码:A    流传在广西左江中游壮族地区的壮族左江采茶,不是土生而是土长,是植根于壮乡年久演变而成独具一格的壮族左江采茶音
在1982~1983年杉木害虫调查时发现(艹雀)茸毒蛾幼虫严重为害,经室内饲养获得四个完整发育虫态,现作一报导,供参考。 (艹雀)茸毒蛾属毒蛾科(Lymantriidae)茸毒蛾属(Dasychira)
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国家将进一步采取措施,对乡镇企业税收实行优惠政策: 1、兴办乡镇企业、城乡联办企业、城市工矿扩散联营企业和国家农场办集体企业(不包括烟、酒、焚化品),免征产品税、营业