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市场,似片片“汪洋”,激流汹油,波涛骇浪;企业,如条条“大船”,枕险劈惊,摇拽而行……江苏省东台市台南建材厂的确是“汪洋”中的一条“大船”,它曾经被无情的潮水“击打”.谁能想到,在这分大船”发出濒临倒闭的“SOS”信号后,位从田野里走来的汉子许祥和,跃进浪潮中,凭着一股拼搏的勇劲,扯起风帆,把危船驶向扭亏为盈、再创辉煌的“彼岸”……涛声依旧,大船远航.今午52岁的许祥和,动情久久不能平静.思绪替他把年历翻到难忘的1991年.那年上半年,该厂因管理混乱亏损30O万元停产,9月15日,镇党委、镇政府一纸公文,将他从董贤村党支部书记的岗位上,调至该厂抓启动.许祥和没有被困难吓倒,来厂初期,他天天深入车间、深入职工中间,了解厂子亏损的原因,研究解决问题的良策.眼睛熬红了.身体熬瘦了,他全然不顾.为了寻求救厂的“丹药”,他花去十多天时间,到邻乡镇和市县的建材厂求取治厂的“真经”.他因厂制宜,走活了狠抓内部管理的四步“妙棋”. The market is like a piece of “Wang Yang”, where the turbulent flow of oil and waves is turbulent; enterprises, such as the “big boat”, take care of risks and shocks... Tainan building material factory in Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province is indeed “Wang Yang” A “big ship” that was once “struck” by the relentless tide. Who could have imagined that after sending off the “SOS” signal that was close to the ship, Xu Xianghe, the man from the fields, leapt into the wave. With a hard-working brave spirit, he took up the wind and sailed the dangerous boat to the “other shore” that turned a profit and created more glory.... The sound of the ship still voyage. The 52-year-old Xu Xianghe was unable to express his emotion for a long time. Calm. The thoughts turned his calendar into an unforgettable year in 1991. In the first half of that year, the factory was discontinued due to the chaotic management loss of 300,000 yuan. On September 15, the town party committee and the town government issued a piece of paperwork and removed him from Dong Xiancun. On the post of Party branch secretary, he was transferred to the factory to start the job. Xu Xianghe was not intimidated by difficulties. At the beginning of the factory, he went deep into the workshop and penetrated into the middle of the staff day by day to understand the cause of the loss of the factory and to study the good measures to solve the problem. The body was slim, he completely ignored. He spent more than ten days in order to seek “saving medicine” to save the plant. Inter, in the neighboring towns and cities and counties in the building materials factory strike Zhichang “Scriptures.” He works the system should go live four-step “clever move” pay close attention to internal management.
在党政机关机构改革、企业改制转制的情况下,江苏昆山市基层武装部不仅班子没有撤并、人员没有减少、职能没有削弱,反而得到了进一步加强,1997年8月 14日全市又成立武装部 1
强化管理 消化涨价在面临天然胶等主要原材料价格暴涨,生产经营受到严重影响的情况下。四川橡胶厂强化企业管理,开展优质降耗、双增双节活动,把重心放在苦练内功上,劳力增强消化