Overexpression of potato miR482e enhanced plant sensitivity to Verticillium dahliae infection

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daweihu2009
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Verticillium wilt of potato is caused by the fungus pathogen Verticillium dahliae. Present s RNA sequencing data revealed that miR482 was in response to V. dahliae infection but the function in potato is elusive. Here, we characterized potato miR482 family and its putative role resistance to Verticillium wilt. Members of the potato mi R482 superfamily are variable in sequence, but all variants target a class of disease-resistance proteins with nucleotide binding site(NBS)and leucine-rich repeat(LRR) motifs. When potato plantlets were infected with V. dahliae, the expression level of miR482e was downregulated, and that of several NBS-LRR targets of miR482e were upregulated. Transgenic potato plantlets overexpressing miR482e showed hypersensitivity to V. dahliae infection. Using s RNA and degradome datasets, we validated that miR482e targets m RNAs of NBS-LRR disease-resistance proteins and triggers the production of trans-acting(ta)si RNAs, most of which target m RNAs of defense-related proteins. Thus, the hypersensitivity of transgenic potato could be explained by enhanced miR482e and miR482e-derived tasi RNA-mediated silencing on NBS-LRR-disease-resistance proteins. It is speculated that a miR482-mediated silencing cascade mechanism is involved in regulating potato resistance against V. dahliae infection and could be a counter defense action of plant in response to pathogen infection. Verticillium wilt of potato is caused by the fungus pathogen Verticillium dahliae. Present s RNA sequencing data revealed that miR482 was in response to V. dahliae infection but the function in potato is elusive. Here, we characterized potato miR482 family and its putative role resistance to Verticillium wilt. Members of the potato mi R482 superfamily are variable in sequence, but all variants target a class of disease-resistance proteins with nucleotide binding site (NBS) and leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motifs. When potato plantlets were infected with V . dahliae, the expression level of miR482e was downregulated, and that of several NBS-LRR targets of miR482e were upregulated. Transgenic potato plantlets overexpressing miR482e showed hypersensitivity to V. dahliae infection. Using s RNA and degradative datasets, we validated that miR482e targets m RNAs of NBS-LRR disease-resistance proteins and triggers the production of trans-acting (ta) si RNAs, most of which target m RNAs of defense-related proteins. Thus, the hypersensitivity of transgenic potato could be explained by enhanced miR482e and miR482e-derived tasi RNA-mediated silencing on NBS-LRR-disease-resistance proteins. It is speculated that a miR482-mediated silencing cascade mechanism is involved in regulating potato resistance against V. dahliae infection and could be a counter defense action of plant in response to pathogen infection.
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摘 要:《英语课程教学基本要求》明确指出:“在加强英语语言基础知识的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。”因此,英语教学评价不仅要包括以标准化考试为代表的终结性评价,也要包括以学习为目的、注重学习过程的形成性评价,这样才能保证英语课程教学目标的实现。开展英语教学形成性评价是英语教学改革的有效手段。而口语教学形成性评价正是在终结性评价之外寻找的更有效地贯穿整个教学过程并激发学生学习兴趣、
摘 要:经济的发展使幼儿英语显得越来越重要,可幼师专业的学生大都缺乏学习的主动性,无学习目标,学生英语水平的两极分化也变得越发严重。在这种情况下,让我们的学生参加PETS考试,给学生提供了学习的动力与目标,促进学生英语水平的全面提升。为了让PETS考试与幼师专业的英语教学更好地结合在一起,本文从听,说,读,写四个方面谈谈PETS考试下的幼师英语教学改革,从而调动学生的学习兴趣,促进学全面发展。
【摘要】英汉两种语言在不同的文化背景中,各自形成了独特的文化意象。在翻译中应有效保留汉语中深具民族特征的文化意象及其寓意,在丰富译文语言表达力的同时,也推介了中华文化,促进中西方文化交流和融合,并探讨了保留汉语独特文化意象的英译方法。  【关键词】文化意象的保留 文化传递 英译策略  一、引言  文化意象是不同的民族在悠长的历史岁月中逐渐形成的相对固定、文化含义独特的语言符号,由物象和意象构成。文
【摘要】翻译是符号解释过程的体现,汉英翻译的研究离不开社会符号学的影响。深受语言使用者在环境、时代、文化等各方面的影响,符号与符号之间往往形成了三种关系,这对翻译学习者培养正确的翻译意识起到了重要的指导作用。因此,在汉英翻译学习中,学习者应根据符号相契、相异或缺失的三重关系为指导,灵活采用不同的翻译技巧进行译文的处理,以期实现翻译的等效转换。  【关键词】社会符号学 汉英翻译意识 意符 意指  一