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  Strategic Research on
  Construction Industry
  After Russia Joining WTO
  Written by Borkovskaya V G Translated by Zhang Yi and Guo Qi
  The Hague Agreement was established in 1948 for the purpose to recover global economy after World War II and to regulate custom duties and trade, based on which the World Trade Organization (hereafter referred to as WTO) was founded in 1995.
  Since its foundation, WTO has always kept its goal of ensuring prosperous of free trade and economic development, ensuring stability of commercial terms and preventing any radical political change. According to its rules, all the countries that join WTO must implement the basic agreements and legal documents in Multilateral Trade Agreement. WTO coordinates approximately 97% transactions of global merchandise trade and service by this agreement. WTO also has responsibility of coordinating commercial disputes and thus specifically establishes institutions to dissolve trade disputes between member states of WTO.   Countries in WTO can access to new markets but may lose control of its own market. The biggest problem of WTO is the confrontation of rich countries and emerging countries. If a country wants to join WTO, it must negotiate terms and sign agreements with member states as a candidate. It is a must-condition to join WTO that one acquires consents of each and every member state. And such process will prolong the time of joining WTO.
  Consumers could receive greatest benefit from WTO such as lower merchandise price, better quality and more variety of goods and services. But for enterprises, there are both opportunities and threatens in WTO, where they have to face competition with foreign enterprises when entering the international market.
  Without a doubt, the construction industry in Russia has been affected significantly since Russia joined WTO. In Russia, there are a lot of unfinished, repair-required, and demolished buildings, as well as residential or developing areas which are waiting for construction. All these potential projects could fuel the development of construction industry, which will become one of the most perspective and attractive industry in the global market.
  However, after Russia joined WTO, the construction material producers are first impacted. Competition inside the construction material market became tougher with involvement of foreign companies, which meet international standards and can provide modernized equipments. No opportunity is left to domestic businesses in this competition with foreign companies unless the domestic construction industry could create maximized competitiveness with minimized costs. Besides, if the government does not raise the standard of construction material quality, vast amount of cheap materials will flow into the domestic market, which will lead to degradation of construction quality.
  As to construction process, Russia in WTO will continuously build warehouses and commercial centers, which would substantially increase the number of construction projects. Plus, there are also a lot of residential projects to be constructed in every region. The construction market of Russia has its own features: On one hand, foreign businesses have no idea how to deal with current situation in Russia; on the other hand, most domestic businesses can barely reach agreement with government departments. This is due to incomplete legal system, especially the Land Law which is in need of immediate improvement. But big foreign construction companies are still able to get chance to enter the Russian market and to upgrade the market structure, and therefore to level-up the average competitiveness and the service standard of the construction market.   According to a survey on construction industry in September 2011, 25% of industry insiders think joining WTO will bring positive effects, 32% think nothing will change, while 42% think there will be negative effects on the Russian construction market. This survey shows that over half of construction industry insiders are neither afraid of Russia joining WTO nor foresee any obvious benefit and loss, but the majority have paid attention to threats that come along with Russia entering WTO.
  Due to lack of definite legal basis and existence of many loopholes, it is rather challenging in Russia to pass international and European standards. The National Building Society is revising the national standard of Russia based on the international standard. But there are huge differences and disputes between these two standards. It is not a simple and practical process to unify national standard with European standard or even EU standard. (The government prepared to discuss and pass a new national standard in 2010, but this matter has been delayed to 2015 for varies reasons.) The passing of international standard may affect the entire construction industry, because foreign businesses that always follow international standard will easily take up the Russian construction market.
  It is complicated to assess the construction industry of Russia after it joining WTO. Careful and precise strategic research is necessary to determine whether we are facing an opportunity or a problem. On one hand, along with the saltant development of the construction market, the government will encourage and coordinate the pace of development and finally resolve the problem of land right, in order to obtain chances to compete in the oversea market; on the other hand, to meet requirements of international and WTO standard, domestic design and construction businesses must align their management level with international standard as soon as possible and speed up to modernize the construction of equipments, in order to be prepared to enter the international market, because the competitors Russia will confront are leaders in international construction industry.
  (Borkovskaya V G, the author is professor of Department of Integrated Security in Construction of MGSU, PhD of economy.)
据研究人员称,印度东部地区西孟加拉邦沿曼达莫尼和迪哥哈海滩无管制的旅游和开发活动导致大量海龟丧命,其中包括珍稀的太平洋丽龟。“集中的旅游活动使迪哥哈海滩的海龟数量急剧下降,在过去的五六年间,没有在海滩上发现太平洋丽龟的巢穴。”延伸至奥迪莎的海岸线是每年丽龟筑巢的地方,他们会聚集在加希尔马塔海滩以及附近的地方,大规模筑巢。  (来源:wwf.org)
在未来的日子里,某些地名,会逐渐被越来越多的人所熟悉,譬如世界新成员——南苏丹……  2011年新年伊始,一场具有决定性意义、针对苏丹南部是否独立的公民投票在非洲东北部的苏丹举行。此次公投并未出现此前一些悲观预测所言的混乱、冲突甚至内战的局面,公投结果也十分明朗,98.83%的选民支持南苏丹从苏丹框架内分裂,并成立一个独立的国家。同年7月9日,南苏丹宣告独立,这同时标志着非洲第55个、全球第193
近期,中国云南抚仙湖边正在兴建的高尔夫球项目引发了社会广泛关注。面对上马的建筑项目是否会破坏抚仙湖生态的质疑,开发商和云南政府做出了回应。与此同时,一些志愿者也纷纷通过网络呼吁大家参与到守卫抚仙湖的队伍中来。抚仙湖的保护与开发以及脆弱的生态环境如何良性发展,成为近期舆论关注的焦点。  危机中的抚仙湖  抚仙湖位于中国云南省玉溪市澄江、江川、华宁三县之间,水利资源相当丰富。蓄水量达到185亿立方米,
伟嘉与世界自然基金会联手,共同为野生虎保护筹集资金。伟嘉为玛氏集团旗下品牌,此次行动旨在为全球环境慈善组织的野生虎保护活动筹集50万英镑(约合58.3万欧元)资金。伟嘉会将所有在英国和爱尔兰境内售出的特殊包装产品的收益全部捐赠给世界自然基金会倡议的“让老虎生存”活动。该活动还得到数字宣传、销售点广告和电视广告的支持。相关的电视广告由世界著名广告代理商AMV BBDO拍摄。  (来源:irishti
今年的世界环境日庆祝活动的主题是“思前·食后·厉行节约”。“思前·食后·厉行节约”是一个反浪费食物和食物损失活动,鼓励你减少耗粮足迹。据联合国粮食和农业组织(粮农组织)的调查,每年有13亿吨的食物被浪费,相当于撒哈拉以南国家每年的粮食生产总量。与此同时,全世界1/7的人口仍处于饥饿状态,并且每天有超过20000名5岁以下的儿童死于饥饿。  蒙古国总统  查希亚·额勒贝格道尔吉  环境保护不是一天之
提及丹麦哥本哈根,人们脑海里总会首先想到三个词:美人鱼、安徒生、童话。的确,安徒生的童话给这座充斥着童话气质的北欧城市增添了许多浪漫与梦幻的色彩。但实际上,哥本哈根的美好并非只存在于虚幻的童话中,更存在于现实世界中——哥本哈根曾被联合国人居署选为“最适合居住的城市”,并获得了“最佳设计城市”的评价。  自行车文化  有人说,中国是自行车大国。其实,被誉为“两个轮子托起城市环保”的哥本哈根更堪称为名