The proteome of IVF-induced aberrant embryo-maternal crosstalk by implantation stage in ewes

来源 :畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xffys3
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Background:Implantation failure limits the success of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET).Well-organized embryo-matal crosstalk is essential for successful implantation.Previous studies mainly focused on the aberrant development of in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos.In contrast,the mechanism of IVF-induced aberrant embryo-matal crosstalk is not well defined.Results:In the present study,using ewes as the model,we profiled the proteome that features aberrant IVF embryo-matal crosstalk following IVF-ET.By comparing in vivo (IVO) and IVF conceptuses,as well as matched endometrial caruncular (C) and intercaruncular (IC) areas,we filtered out 207,295,and 403 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in each comparison.Proteome functional analysis showed that the IVF conceptuses were characterized by the increased abundance of energy metabolism and proliferation-related proteins,and the decreased abundance of methyl metabolism-related proteins.In addition,IVF endometrial C areas showed the decreased abundance of endometrial remodeling and redox homeostasis-related proteins;while IC areas displayed the aberrant abundance of protein homeostasis and extracellular matrix (ECM) interaction-related proteins.Based on these observations,we propose a model depicting the disrupted embryo-matal crosstalk following IVF-ET:Aberrant energy metabolism and redox homeostasis of IVF embryos,might lead to an aberrant endometrial response to conceptus-derived pregnancy signals,thus impairing matal receptivity.In t,the suboptimal uterine environment might stimulate a compensation effect of the IVF conceptuses,which was revealed as enhanced energy metabolism and over-proliferation.Conclusion:Systematic proteomic profiling provides insights to understand the mechanisms that underlie the aberrant IVF embryo-matal crosstalk.This might be helpful to develop practical strategies to prevent implantation failure following IVF-ET.
目的细辛系马兜铃科多年生草本植物,是临床常用中药。关于细辛的毒性和剂量问题,素有争论,极大地限制了细辛的临床应用和疗效的发挥。随着血清药理学和膜片钳技术的出现,中药及其复方的药理学研究开辟了新纪元。本课题采用血清药理学和膜片钳技术相结合的实验方法观察细辛含药血清对大鼠延髓背侧呼吸组(dorsal respiratory group,DRG)呼吸神经元钾离子通道的影响。为深入探讨细辛对呼吸中枢抑制的
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