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曾经在国内针式打印机领域独领风骚,把一款打印机的市场份额提升至市场总额的85%,并在打印机市场称霸十年的实达电脑设备公司,近期开始频频在金融电子支付领域用力,推出了包括智能卡支付在内的自主产品群。用实达电脑设备公司总经理胡建容的话说,实达集团希望籍多年来在外设和行业应用领域积累的资源优势,在电子支付产品市场纵深发展,成为全国最大的行业设备解决方案及产品供应商。实达早在1992年就敏感地发现,中国信用卡产业发展速度惊人,研发电子支付产品和技术正是机遇。果然,截至1999年底,全国发卡总量达1.7亿张,发卡行20多家,特约商户30多万家。不过这个数据与发达国家相比仍有不小的差距,例如法国,5800万人口中约有银行卡2700万张,发卡行近200家,特约商户70万家。这一市场才刚刚启动,而且10月份五大银行联网为实达提供了更大的空间和机会。另外,IC 卡由于安全性能、存储量大和脱机使用方便等特点,也越来越多地应用在税务,学校、交通管理和医疗等行业中,为此,实达积极投入到金融 IC 卡系统的建设中,与银行业共同成功开发了加油 IC 卡、校园 IC 卡、缴赞 IC 卡,以及社会保险 IC 卡等各类 IC 卡应用系统。原来金融机构大多以项目为导向,今后会转向以客户为导向,实达为此推出了构建现代银行业务的 SIBS 系统。据胡建容介绍,“客户定制性、技术复杂性、方案配 Once in the field of domestic pin printer dominate the market share of a printer increased to 85% of the total market, and dominate the printer market ten years Shida computer equipment company, recently began to force the field of financial electronic payment, Launched an autonomous product group that includes smart card payments. In the words of Hu Jianrong, the general manager of Shida Computer Equipment Company, Shida Group hopes that the resource advantages accumulated in the fields of peripheral equipment and industrial applications over the years will be further developed in the electronic payment product market and become the largest supplier of industrial equipment solutions and products in the country . As early as in 1992, Shida realized that the credit card industry in China is developing at an alarming rate. It is an opportunity to develop electronic payment products and technologies. Sure enough, as of the end of 1999, the total amount of card issuance nationwide reached 170 million, more than 20 issuers and more than 300,000 merchants. However, there are still not many differences between this figure and developed countries. For example, in France, there are about 27 million bank cards, about 200 card issuing banks and 700,000 special merchants in 58 million of the population. This market has just started, and the Big Five’s banking network in October provided more room and opportunity for Shida. In addition, IC cards are also increasingly used in industries such as taxation, schools, traffic management and medical treatment due to their safety performance, large storage capacity, and convenience of off-line use. To this end, Shida actively invests in the financial IC card system , We successfully developed various IC card application systems such as fueling IC cards, campus IC cards, paying praise IC cards, and social insurance IC cards together with the banking industry. Most of the original financial institutions are project-oriented, and will turn to be customer-oriented in the future. Shida launched the SIBS system to build a modern banking business. According to Hu Jianrong introduction, "customer customization, technical complexity, program with
POWERWARE 9110/9100×OX 系列 规格:700VA~6000VA 输入电压:120~276VAC 频率: 40~70Hz 功率因数:0.95/0.97 输出电压:220VAC+/-3%正弦波 谐波失真度:<3%THD线性负载,<5%THD非线性负 POWERWARE 9110/9100 × OX Series Specification: 700VA ~ 6000VA Input Voltage: 1
导演:若波(Sarah Roper)国家:法国时长:2分钟37秒创作时间:1998年一只生活在高楼大厦里的猫咪,厌烦了每天靠在窗边,和主人没有交流的生活,于是趁主人不注意,偷偷跑了出去。它
戴江鸿 ,好耳熟的名字 ,只是未曾谋面而已。这在采访之中得到了证实 ,还是刚进IBM中国公司之时 ,戴江鸿即是鲍国安麾下的得力干将 ,而“老鲍”我是见过的。或许是因为被尊为博大
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