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美国正处于历史上最长的经济繁荣期.至今年2月底,美国经济已持续增长107个月,打破了20世纪60年代持续增长106个月的记录.美国经济已从工业经济时代迈向知识经济时代,针对经济发展的变化,美国统计界逐步认识到,原有统计方法已不能准确地反映出美国经济的发展,尤其是信息技术的快速发展.改革统计方法已迫在眉睫.1999年10月底,美国商务部正式宣布,计算机软件的营业性支出不再作为生产过程中的原材料消耗即中间投入,而是按照联合国1993年国民核算体系的要求,将它作为一种投资活动,计入国内生产总值(GDP).同时,还对1978年以来的历史数据进行调整,使得历史数据具有可比性.1999年底商务部经济分析局和劳工部分别公布了GDP和劳动生产率的调整结果. The United States is in the longest period of economic prosperity in history, and by the end of February this year, the U.S. economy has continued to grow 107 months, breaking the record of 106 months of sustained growth in the 1960s. The U.S. economy has moved from an era of industrial economy to knowledge In the economic age, according to the changes in economic development, the American statistical community has gradually realized that the original statistical methods can no longer accurately reflect the development of the U.S. economy, especially the rapid development of information technology .In the end of October 1999, The U.S. Department of Commerce officially announced that operating expenses for computer software are no longer used as input for the raw materials in the production process, but rather as an investment activity as required by the UN System of National Accounting 1993, which is included in gross domestic product At the same time, the historical data of 1978 are also adjusted to make historical data comparable.At the end of 1999, the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Ministry of Labor of the Ministry of Commerce respectively announced the adjustment results of GDP and labor productivity.
Synopsis ofshanghalM刃orEconomlc Indexes (Jan.-Jun.2000) 上海市统计局 MunlclpalstatlstlcalBureau ofshanghal上海市统计局 Municipal Statistical Bureau ofshanghal
Municipal Statistical Bureau ofshanghal上海市主要经济统计指标一览表Q000年1-3月) Synopsis of Shanghai Maior Economic Indexes (Jan。Mar.2000) 上海市统计局 Municip
中国宏观经济指标(2000年9月) China Macroeconomic Indicators (September 2000)