
来源 :人像摄影 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whenhm
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做好一本古装的相册需要很多综合的知识。我们知道,古装摄影也有棚景和实景等类型,就相册设计要点来说,可以简单归纳如下:以单色背景拍摄。此时难免需要添加一些素材,如古诗词、古画等元素,只要基本对应,当然可以拿来用。但要实现画龙点睛的效果,还要注意通常的构图、布局、色调等规则。技巧上也许会用到抠图等常见的手法。古装实景拍摄。古装搭景,一般会比较复杂,但是涵盖的环境又比较小,所以在设计时应注意对景的取舍。以人物为主体,景致上只要交代—下环境即可。否则版面容易杂乱或重复。 A well-dressed photo album requires a lot of comprehensive knowledge. We know that costume photography also has sheds and real and other types of elements on the album design, can be summarized as follows: a monochrome background shot. This time inevitably need to add some material, such as ancient poems, paintings and other elements, as long as the basic corresponding, of course, can be used to use. But to achieve the finishing touch, but also pay attention to the usual composition, layout, color and other rules. Skill may be used matting and other common practices. Costume real shot. Dress up scene, the general will be more complex, but the environment is relatively small, so in the design should pay attention to the King’s choice. As the main character, the scenery as long as the account - the environment can be. Otherwise the layout is easy to mess or repeat.