Genetic variations of wood properties and growth characters of Korean pines from different provenanc

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Totally 26 provenance stands of 17-year-old Korean pine were selected for investigating wood properties and growth characters in Maoershan Experiment al Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University in 1999. The anatomical property indexes, including tracheid length, tracheid diameter and wall-indiameter ratio ,and the physical property indexes, suchas growth ring width, late wood percen tage and growth ring density, were measured for wood properties. Growth characte r indexes, including tree height and diameter at breast height, were also measur ed. The analytical results showed that there exited obviously difference in wood property indexes between different provenances, which is suggested that wood pr operties are controlled by their genetic differences. The growth character indexes of Korean pines presented significant difference and they might also be contr olled by their genetic differences. Most parameters of wood properties mainly varied in the direction of longitude, but the parameters of growth characters vari ed in the direction of latitude.
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