
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcfsoa2009
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西周是夏、商、周三代的最后一个朝代,也是对我国古代文明做出重要贡献的王朝。从周武王伐商(公元前1046年)算起,到幽王被犬戎所杀(公元前771年)止,共传了12个君主,历275年。后周平王东迁洛邑,历史称其前为西周,其后为东周。由于西周已有文字记载的资料,遂给后人研究留下了可靠的依据。 The Western Zhou Dynasty was the last dynasty of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties and also a dynasty that made an important contribution to the ancient civilization of our country. From Chow Wu Ching Merchants (1046 BC), to King Kou was killed by Canine (771 BC), a total of 12 monarchs, 275 calendar years. After the Zhou Ping Wang Dongluo Lou Yi, history said it was before the Western Zhou Dynasty, followed by the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. Due to the written records of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the study left behind a reliable basis.
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新一轮的地理教学改革在不断地向前推进,笔者在地理教学第一线不断地改革创新,积累了丰富的经验。在此,笔者从三方面阐述独具特色的地理教学。 A new round of geography te
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