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果麦间作是目前南疆大力发展的一种兼顾经济效益和粮食安全的种植模式,由于间作系统环境的影响,小麦的生长和产量受到较大影响。对新疆墨玉县2种核(桃)麦间作模式下小麦生长发育与产量构成进行调查。结果表明:小麦间作较单作灌浆后期单株绿叶面积减少11.18~14.01cm2,成熟期推迟4~6d,穗部器官干物质积累量每株减少0.22~0.53g,穗粒数降低13.36%~20.64%,千粒质量减少10.78%~23.43%,收获穗数减少20.38%~20.74%,产量减少47.63%~74.53%。间作系统内,近树区麦株生长、顶叶SPAD值、各器官干物质积累量及产量受到的影响高于远树区,且随生育期推后其值受影响程度有增大趋势,表现出累积效应。间作对小麦生长性状的影响大小为单株绿叶面积>单株茎蘖数>茎绿叶数>株高,对各器官干物质积累生长影响大小为茎>穗>叶,对产量构成影响大小为收获穗数>千粒质量>小穗数>穗粒数>穗长。通过比较,核桃9m×3m模式间作小麦产量优于6m×4m模式,是值得推广的配置。 The fruit and wheat intercropping is a kind of planting pattern that takes economic and food security into full play in southern Xinjiang. Due to the influence of the intercropping system environment, the growth and yield of wheat are greatly affected. Investigation on Wheat Growth and Yield Components in Two Kernel (Peach) and Wheat Intercropping Models in Moyu County of Xinjiang Autonomous Region. The results showed that the leaf area per plant decreased by 11.18-14.01cm2 and postponed 4 ~ 6d after wheat intercropping compared with single grain filling. The dry matter accumulation of panicle organs per plant decreased by 0.22-0.53g and the number of grains per panicle decreased by 13.36% -20.64 %, The quality of 1000 grains decreased by 10.78% ~ 23.43%, the number of ears harvested decreased by 20.38% ~ 20.74% and the yield decreased by 47.63% ~ 74.53%. In the intercropping system, the wheat plant growth, the SPAD value of the parietal lobe, the dry matter accumulation of all organs and the yield of each organ were higher than those in the far tree area, and their value increased with the growth period, A cumulative effect. The effects of intercropping on the growth traits of wheat were as follows: green leaf area per plant> number of tillers per plant> number of stalks per plant> plant height, and the effect on dry matter accumulation and growth of various organs was stem> ear> leaf, Spikes> 1000-grain quality> Spikelets> Spikelets> Spike length. By comparison, the yield of wheat between 9m × 3m walnut model is better than that of 6m × 4m, which is worth popularizing.