明光市人武部遵照邓小平同志关于新时期军队建设的思想和江总书记关于军队建设“五句话”的总要求,团结奋进,开拓进取,率领全市人武、专武干部出色地完成了民兵工作的各项任务,较好地发挥了民兵工作“一线指挥部”作用,从1978年以来,荣获一系列荣誉,去年又被安徽省军区评为“先进人武部”。 “学”字当头 争一流素质 “一流指挥部”要做到坚强有力,就得把自身建设成为一个政治坚定、业务素质高、廉洁奉公、一身正气的坚强集体。他们
In accordance with the general requirements of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s military construction in the new era and General Secretary Jiang’s “five sentences” regarding army building, the Muanwu Department of Mingguang City unite and forge ahead, pioneering and enterprising, and led the entire city with a full complement of military and special forces cadres who successfully completed the militia work They have given a series of honors since 1978 and were awarded as “Advanced People’s Armed Forces Department” by the Military Region of Anhui Province last year. To win the first-class quality “first-class command post”, “learning” must be strong and strong, and must build itself into a strong, politically determined, highly professional, honest and honest body. they