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作为全国水电资源极为丰富的省份之一,广东历来十分重视小水电建设。为加大扶持小水电力度,我省在全国率先制定了一系列政策和措施。特别是省人大常委会于1996年、2003年先后作出的《关于加快农村小水电建设的决议》、《关于进一步扶持农村小水电发展的决议》,更是以具有法律约束力的规范性文件来保护和支持小水电的健康发展。2007年是省人大小水电议案的结案年。当前,议案实施的成效怎样?全省小水电出现了哪些新情况、新问题?如何从根本上解决小水电面临的难题与危机?本刊推出这一组系列报道,希冀与大家共同探索确保我省小水电健康发展的治本之策。 As one of the provinces rich in hydropower resources in the country, Guangdong has always attached great importance to the construction of small hydropower. In order to increase the intensity of supporting small hydropower stations, our province took the lead in formulating a series of policies and measures throughout the country. In particular, the Resolution on Accelerating the Construction of Small Hydropower in Rural Areas and the Resolution on Further Supporting the Development of Small Hydropower in Rural Areas made by the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress in 1996 and 2003 are based on the normative documents legally binding Protect and support the healthy development of small hydropower. 2007 is the closing year of the provincial plan for hydropower. At present, what is the effect of the implementation of the motion? What new situations and new problems have emerged in the province’s small hydropower? How to solve the problems and crises faced by the small hydropower fundamentally? The journal has launched a series of reports and hopes to explore with you to ensure that I Provincial small hydropower healthy development of the root of the policy.
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托业考试阅读的第三部分是Short Readings(短文阅读),它位于试卷的第七部分。考题的要求是:In Section Ⅶ of TOEIC, candidates are tested to demonstrate their reading
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第二届全国棉纺织行业中青年科技工作者论坛-暨欧瑞康纺织集团创新技术交流研讨会于11月17日在江苏省金坛市隆重召开。来自全国棉纺织行业 The Second National Cotton Text
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近年来,随着经济发展居民生活水平得到不断提高的同时,也愈加注重精神生活和食用保健享受。然而新兴四季红树莓盆景可满足家居美化、香化、观赏、食用、保健效果极佳等特点倍受人们青睐,故四季红树莓盆景市场走悄生意十分火爆,经济效益惊人。  四季红树莓特征:四季红树莓原产于俄罗斯,为蔷薇科悬钩子半灌木多年生植物。株高1.2-1.5米,枝条红褐色。叶卵形单叶对生,深绿色。6-10月五瓣粉红色鲜花开近千余朵,7-