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朋友家藏,颇为可观,其瓷品中有一青花人物瓶,更值得大家欣赏品评。瓶高17.8、口径5.3、足径6.3厘米,底足内青花双圈行楷“大明成化年制”。此瓶侈口、丰肩、鼓腹、颈部饰有象耳。肩部有一道弦纹。圈足高深外撇呈喇叭口式。足底凸起为馒头形状,有著述称其为馒心底。此器端庄纤秀,侈口自然,足式稳重。肩上饼状饰物.怡如丽人佩以华美披肩,丰满却不失婀娜。象耳装饰寓“太平有象耳”,此乃古人期盼太平、祈求平安之意。胎质细润洁白,胎体坚致规整,迎光照视器身透亮,所透光亮呈浅杏黄色,底略厚不诱光。 Friends possession of home, quite impressive, there are a bottle of blue and white porcelain, more worthy of everyone to enjoy the evaluation. Bottle height 17.8, caliber 5.3, foot diameter 6.3 cm, the bottom of the foot double-circle blue and white lines Kaikai “Daming Chenghua system.” This bottle extravagant, Feng Shoulder, drum belly, neck decorated with ears. Shoulder has a string pattern. Circling foot outside was written bell-shaped. Raised as a bread plantar shape, with a description of the heart of steamed bun. This device dignified slender, extravagant natural, full-footed. Shoulder cake ornaments. Yiru beauty to wear beautiful shawls, plump but without losing grace. Like the ear decorated “Taiping have ears,” This is the ancients looking forward to peace, pray for peace. Fetal white fine carcass, carcass firm and structured, Yinguanglianshu body translucent, bright light was pale apricot, slightly thick at the end of not attracting light.
文章通过对ISO9000族标准适用于图书馆质量管理的可行性和重要性的论述,推动图书馆质量管理的改进。 Through the discussion of the feasibility and importance of applyi
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呈圆柱形锥顶 ,顶上覆以茅草 ,尖顶捆扎装饰成宝葫芦形 ,下面是储粮的圆形仓库 ,四周用竹篾编成一个大的圆柱体 ,直径 2米 ,高 2 5米 ,形如大囤箩。圆仓有两扇小门 ,以便装
济南市同英国考文垂市的友好关系已有20年的历史。考文垂是一个整洁的现代化工业城市,同时拥有着辉煌灿烂的中世纪历史。它从战争的废墟中走出,展现出崭新的大都会面貌。但在它高大的写字楼之间,在现代化的道路两旁,是中世纪的房屋和教堂;在其五光十色的店埠后面,在宽阔开敞的公园附近,处处可见的是历史的遗迹。  考文垂在英国首都伦敦以北150公里处,地处英国心脏地带,距英国的交通枢纽伯明翰约半小时路程。考文垂市
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20 0 3年7月2 3日下午,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所门前多了一群朝气蓬勃的女孩儿,她们是今年水洞沟遗址发掘的志愿者,正等待向宁夏灵武“进军”……水洞沟遗址是中