加强质量监督 确保航空工业出口产品质量的信誉——质量司王忻司长在部派质量代表工作会议上的讲话

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这次部派质量代表工作会议,重点是研究如何加强出口产品的质量控制和管理,以落实国家经委和我部对出口产品质量提出的要求;同时,还要具体讨论贯彻国务院办公厅批转国家经委、经贸部、国家商检局“关于加强出口商品质量管理工作的意见”的措施。我们航空工业从1981年开始在有外贸任务的企业建立部派质量监督、验收代表制度以来,已经有七个年头了。七年来的实践证明,部对出口产品的质量,及时采取建立部派质量代表进行二次把关的决定是正确的。今天,我们的出口形势有了很大发展,和七年前相比,情况大不一样了。今年一月部召开的企干会上,部党组提出扩大出口是航空工业发展的战略任务。号召全行业的同志,“要从战略高度认识外贸出口的重要性”。会上,李鹏副总理讲了话,他特别强调了航空工业“质量第一”的重要件,“希望我们航空工业的职工、领导干部、技术人员,自始至终要把质量放在第一位”。今天,我们召开部派质量代表工作会议,就是从确保出口产品质量方面,来贯彻落实以上精神和任务。 This ministry’s quality representative work conference focused on how to strengthen the quality control and management of export products in order to implement the requirements put forward by the State Economic Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the quality of export products; at the same time, it is necessary to discuss in detail the implementation of the State Council’s General Office for the transfer of countries. Measures of the Economic Commission, the Ministry of Economics and Trade, and the State Administration of Commodity Inspection on “Opinions on Strengthening the Quality Control of Export Commodities”. Since 1981, our aviation industry has been setting up a quality supervision and acceptance system for representatives of foreign trade companies for seven years. The practice in the past seven years has proved that the Ministry of Commerce has taken correct decisions on the quality of export products and took the time to establish a quality representative of the department to conduct the second check. Today, our export situation has developed a lot. Compared with seven years ago, the situation is very different. At the January meeting of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce held in January this year, the ministry’s party group proposed that expanding exports is a strategic task for the development of the aviation industry. Call for comrades of the entire industry to “understand the importance of foreign trade exports from a strategic perspective.” At the meeting, Vice Premier Li Peng spoke and he emphasized the importance of the “quality first” in the aviation industry. “I hope our aviation industry employees, leading cadres, and technicians will put quality first.” Today, we hold a working meeting on the quality of representatives of the ministry, which is to implement the above spirit and tasks from the aspect of ensuring the quality of export products.
日本通产省工业科学技术署制定了用废木材生产液态燃料的研究课题,以发展生物能的利用技术。 该署期望在高温高压下加以一定的催化剂能把废木材分解成具有与燃油相同能量的
本书现已出版十一册,第一、三册为缩微型,其余为印刷型,均为历届能源技术会议论文集。由美国Government Institutes公司出版。 第一册为第一届能源研究与开发年会论文集:能