Octreotide ameliorates gastric lesions in chronically mild stressed rats

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanjianjun12
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AIM:To evaluate the effect of chronic mild stress(CMS) on the emergence of gastric ulcers and possible modulation by octreotide,a synthetic somatostatin analogue. METHODS:Adult male Wistar rats were subjected to nine different unpredictable random stress procedures for 21 d,a multifactorial interactional animal model for CMS.Octreotide was administered daily for 21 d at two dose levels(50 and 90μg/kg)before exposure to stress procedure.Macro-and microscopical assessments were made,in addition to quantification of plasma corticosterone and gastric mucosal inflammatory,oxidative stress, and apoptotic biomarkers. RESULTS:Exposure to CMS elevated plasma corticosterone(28.3±0.6μg/dL,P=0.002),an event that was accompanied by gastric lesions(6.4±0.16 mm,P=0.01) and confirmed histopathologically.Moreover,the insult elevated gastric mucosal lipid peroxides(13±0.5 nmol/g tissue,P=0.001),tumor necrosis factor-α(3008.6±78.18 pg/g tissue,P<0.001),prostaglandin E2(117.1 ±4.31 pg/g tissue,P=0.002),and caspase-3 activity (2.4±0.14 OD/mg protein,P=0.002).Conversely,CMS mitigated interleukin-10(627.9±12.82 pg/g tissue,P= 0.001).Furthermore,in animals exposed to CMS,octreotide restored plasma corticosterone(61%and 71%from CMS,P=0.002)at both dose levels.These beneficial effects were associated with a remarkable suppression of gastric lesions(38%and 9%from CMS,P=0.01)and reversal of derangements in gastric mucosa. CONCLUSION:The current investigation provides evidence that exposure to CMS induces gastric ulceration, which was alleviated by administration of octreotide possibly possessing antioxidant,anti-inflammatory,and anti-apoptotic actions. AIM: To evaluate the effect of chronic mild stress (CMS) on the emergence of gastric ulcers and possible modulation by octreotide, a synthetic somatostatin analogue. METHODS: Adult male Wistar rats were subjected to nine different unpredictable random stress procedures for 21 d, a multifactorial interactional animal model for CMS. Actotide was administered daily for 21 d at two dose levels (50 and 90 μg / kg) before exposure to stress procedure. Macro-and microscopical assessments were made, in addition to quantification of plasma corticosterone and gastric mucosal inflammatory , oxidative stress, and apoptotic biomarkers. RESULTS: Exposure to CMS elevated plasma corticosterone (28.3 ± 0.6 μg / dL, P = 0.002), an event that was accompanied by gastric lesions (6.4 ± 0.16 mm, P = 0.01) and confirmed to be histopathologically .Moreover, the insult elevated gastric mucosal lipid peroxides (13 ± 0.5 nmol / g tissue, P = 0.001), tumor necrosis factor-α (3008.6 ± 78.18 pg / / g tissue, P = 0 .002), and caspase-3 activity (2.4 ± 0.14 OD / mg protein, P = 0.002) .Conversely, CMS mitigated interleukin-10 (627.9 ± 12.82 pg / CMS, octreotide restored plasma corticosterone (61% and 71% from CMS, P = 0.002) at both dose levels. These beneficial effects were associated with a remarkable suppression of gastric lesions (38% and 9% from CMS, reversal of derangements in gastric mucosa. CONCLUSION: The current investigation provides evidence that exposure to CMS induces gastric ulceration, which was alleviated by administration of octreotide possibly possessing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic actions.
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【关键词】 生物教学;快乐课堂;构建;教  学氛围;导入;多媒体;生活;  提问  【中图分类号】 G633.9  【文献标识码】 A  【文章编号】 1004—0463(2015)  17—0113—01  快乐课堂就是教师在教学中,有意识地营造快乐的教学氛围,让学生轻松快乐地学习知识,提升相应的能力。生物学是研究生命现象和生命活动规律的一门科学,然而,很多学生觉得它枯燥乏味,把生物学习当成了一
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