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现代科学研究表明,人脑的左半球主要“掌管”抽象思维,而右半球则主要“掌管”形象思维。人的智力发展与左右脑的功能都有着密切的关系,只有使左右脑协弼发展,密切配合,才能使人的智力全面发展,能力得到较大提高。目前,我们在教学活动中,偏重于对学生进行语言、书写、计算等方面的教学,而忽略了动手操作能力的培养,学生的大脑活动偏重于左半球,造成了左右脑发展的失调,影响了学生的智力发展。因此,在课堂教学中引进学具操作,积极引导学生参与实践活动,帮助学生从“具体形象思维”顺利地过渡到“抽象逻辑思维”,可以促进左右脑的协调发展,有助于帮助学生积极主动地获取知识,发展智力,培养能力。 Modern scientific research shows that the left hemisphere of the human brain mainly “rules” the abstract thinking while the right hemisphere mainly “rules” the image of thinking. The development of human intelligence is closely related to the function of the left and right brain. Only by developing and coordinating with the left and right brains, can we develop the people's intelligence in an all-round way and our ability greatly improved. At present, in teaching activities, we place emphasis on teaching students in terms of language, writing and calculation, while neglecting the cultivation of hands-on abilities. The students' brain activities are biased towards the left hemisphere, causing disorders in the left and right brain development that affect The intellectual development of students. Therefore, the introduction of learning tools in classroom teaching, and actively guide students to participate in practical activities to help students from the “concrete image of thinking” the smooth transition to “abstract logical thinking” can promote the coordinated development of left and right brain, helps to help students active Take the initiative to acquire knowledge, develop intelligence, develop ability.
财政部于今年6月6日以(92)财会字第30号文印发了《城乡集体经济组织会计工作的规定》,现将《规定》刊登如下: 第一条为了加强城乡集体经济组织的会计工作,发挥会计工作在维
1992年十一月下旬的芝加哥,迎来了一年一度的北美放射学会(RSNA)年会。RSNA自1915年创立,至今已是第78届,可谓是历史悠久的国际盛会。会址设在芝加哥郊外的McCormick Place,
本文介绍了GDDJ-1光电定焦仪的工作原理,精度分析以及提高该仪器的精度办法。 This article describes the working principle of GDDJ-1 optoelectronic focusing instrume
(1)学生动手操作。第一行摆10个△,第二行摆6个○。 (2)问:△和○谁多谁少?△哪一部分是和○同样多?△哪一部分是比○多的?先同桌学生互相指,再让学生上来指。 指着图启发学