统一思想 深入领会新水土保持法

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原水土保持法的颁布实施,为确保江河安澜、水土资源可持续利用,改善生态环境,保障经济社会的可持续发展发挥了重要作用。但随着我国综合国力的增强、人民生活水平的提高,全社会对改善生态环境的要求愈来愈强烈,特别是科学发展观的深入贯彻,依法治国进程的加快,全面建设小康社会和推进生态文明建设等一系列重大战略的实施,对水土保持工作提出了新的、更高的要求,原法已不能适应新形势,必须要修改。历时5年,修订后的水土保持法于2010年12月25日,由第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十八次会议审议通过,并于2011年3月1日正式实施。新法与原法相比,增加了1章18条,全面贯彻了科学发展观的要求,充分体现了新时期党中央、国务院关于推进依法行政和加强生态文明建设等一系列重大战略部署。 The promulgation and implementation of the Original Law of Soil and Water Conservation has played an important role in ensuring the tranquility of the rivers, the sustainable utilization of water and soil resources, improving the ecological environment and ensuring the sustainable economic and social development. However, with the enhancement of China’s comprehensive national strength and improvement of people’s living standards, the whole society has become increasingly fiercely demanding the improvement of the ecological environment. In particular, the scientific concept of development has been thoroughly implemented, the process of governing the country by law has been accelerated, the well-off society has been built in an all-round way and the ecology has been promoted Civilized construction and a series of major strategic implementation of the soil and water conservation work put forward new and higher requirements, the original law can no longer adapt to the new situation, we must modify. After five years, the revised Soil and Water Conservation Law was passed by the 18th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People’s Congress on December 25, 2010 and was officially implemented on March 1, 2011. Compared with the original law, the new law added 1 article and 18 articles, fully implementing the requirements of the scientific concept of development, and fully embodying a series of major strategic arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting administration according to law and strengthening ecological civilization in the new period.
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