德艺兼修 担当使命 争做曲艺行风建设的排头兵

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在习近平总书记文艺工作座谈会重要讲话发表两周年之际,2016年10月16日,由第九届中国曲艺“牡丹奖”组委会主办、江苏省文联艺术部和徐州市文联承办的“德艺兼修、担当使命:加强曲艺界行风建设座谈会”在徐州成功举行,来自全国的120余位曲艺工作者和文化学者、法律界及新闻界人士参加了座谈会。会上还举行了中国曲协行风建设委员会聘任仪式,标志着中国曲协按照中央的要求,已初步构建起守则立规、办法奖惩、委员会监督三管齐下的行业自律模式, On the 16th of October 2016, on the second anniversary of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s work conference on literature and art, on October 16, 2016, hosted by the 9th China Quyi “Peony Award ” Organizing Committee, Jiangsu Province Federation of Literary Arts and Xuzhou Wenlian Office “Moral Arts and repair, serve as a mission: to strengthen the folk art world style building forum ” held in Xuzhou, more than 120 from all over the country folk art workers and cultural scholars, legal circles and the press to participate in the forum. At the meeting, a ceremony was also held for the appointment of China Association for Building a Continuing Bargaining with the Wind Building Committee, marking that the China Qujiao Association has initially established a code of practice based on the requirements of the Central Government and rewards and punishments. The Commission supervises a three-
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