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侯利刚的“报酬再高都可以不要,但党的先进性教育活动不能不参加”的行为值得赞誉。从通讯内容来看,侯利刚应该是一位流动党员,而且是其工作单位的一名临时工。但他一旦接到其所属党支部的通知,便立即向他打工的公司老总请假,毅然回到其工作单位参加先进性教育活动。面对每日收入近200元的利益诱惑,侯利刚能做到这一点,确实不太容易。但侯利刚果断地做到了,而且很认真地参加了其所属党支部开展的“保持共产党员先进性教育”活动。我们从中不难得出的启示是,每一位共产党员都应服从党的决定,遵守党的纪律,时刻听从党组织的召唤,绝不能在社会主义的市场经济大潮中丧失起码的党性和原则。可以说,能否以积极的态度参加这场在全党开展的“保持共产党员先进性教育”活动,对每一位中国共产党党员来说,都是一场考验其能否具有坚强的党性的试金石。侯利刚在这块“试金石”面前,经受住了考验。我想,广大的共产党员也应该经受住这场考验。因为,开展“保持共产党员先进性教育”活动,既是加强党的先进性建设和加强党的执政能力建设的一个重大举措,也是符合广大人民群众意愿的一种明智之举。 Hou Ligang’s “pay even higher can not, but the party’s advanced nature education activities can not but participate,” the behavior is commendable. From the perspective of communications, Hou Ligang should be a mobile party member and a temporary worker in his workplace. However, upon receiving the notice from his party branch, he immediately took leave of absence from the company chief he worked for and decided to return to his work unit for advanced education. The face of the daily income of nearly 200 yuan interest temptation, Hou Ligang can do this, it is not easy. However, Hou Lidang decisively did it, and took part in the “Keeping the advanced nature education of communists” campaign carried out by the party branch to which he belongs. The enlightenment we can easily draw from it is that every member of the communist party should obey the party’s decision and comply with the party’s discipline. He must always obey the summons of party organizations and must never lose the minimum party spirit and principle in the tide of socialist market economy. It can be said that whether or not we can participate in this “education to maintain the advanced nature of Communists” carried out by the entire Party with a positive attitude is a test for whether or not any CPC member can test whether or not he has strong party spirit Touchstone. Hou Ligang in this “touchstone”, stood the test. I think the majority Communists should also stand the test. Because carrying out the activity of “keeping the advanced nature of CPC members” is not only an important measure for strengthening the building of the party’s advanced nature and strengthening the building of the party’s ability to govern, but also a wise move that meets the wishes of the broad masses of the people.
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