
来源 :吉林水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhaohai
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3月24日至25日,春寒料峭的吉林省,水面刚刚开化。水利部副部长田学斌率国家防总松辽流域防汛抗旱检查组,对吉林省防汛抗旱工作进行检查。副省长、省政府防汛抗旱指挥部总指挥隋忠诚陪同检查并汇报了全省防汛抗旱工作。省政府副秘书长于强,省防汛抗旱副总指挥、水利厅厅长张凤春,省防汛抗旱副总指挥孙廷东陪同。24日,检查组一行实地察看了大坝重建中的丰满水库、长春和吉林两市城市防洪工程。实地检查中,检查组认真听取有关单位情况汇报,详细 From March 24 to March 25, the cold spring season in Jilin Province has just started. Tian Xuebin, vice minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, led the flood control and drought relief inspection team of Songliao Basin, a national general anti-flood inspection center, to inspect the flood control and drought relief work in Jilin Province. Vice Governor, provincial government flood control and drought command Sui Zhongcheng, commander in chief accompanied the inspection and report of the province’s flood control and drought relief. Yu Qiang, deputy secretary general of the provincial government, Zhang Fengchun, deputy director of the provincial flood control and drought relief department, Zhang Fengchun, director of the Department of Water Conservancy, and Sun Tingdong, deputy director of the provincial flood control and drought relief party. On the 24th, the inspection team and his entourage inspected the plum reservoir in the reconstruction of the dam, the urban flood control works in Changchun and Jilin cities on the spot. In the field inspection, the inspection team earnestly listened to the report about the situation of the relevant units and details
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