
来源 :四川肿瘤防治 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyy10123
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肺癌是严重危害人类生命健康的常见恶性肿瘤之一。目前尚无全国性发病率统计资料,各地报道发病率虽然各异,但多居恶性肿瘤前位。少数地区仅次于胃癌或呈明显上升。我市肺癌死亡率在全死因调查中位居第二。为制定肺癌防治规划和措施提供科学依据,我们于1994年抽取门诊、住院病人和健康人3315例,采用中国医科大学新研制的《PAT细胞蓄积液检查法》进行检查。查出肺癌15例,检出标化阳性率为393.82/10万。经统计学处理发现接触粉尘人群的肺癌检出阳性率大大高于其他人群。尘肺病人的肺癌检出阳性率大大高于健康人。提示我市肺癌防治以改善人们生产和生活环境特别是防尘为主要措施,尘肺患者和大年龄组是防治重点人群。同时告诫人们吸烟有害,不吸烟是肺癌防治的重要手段。 Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors that seriously endanger human life and health. At present, there are no national statistics on morbidity. The reported incidence varies from place to place, but there are multiple precancerous malignancies. A few areas are second only to gastric cancer or show a significant increase. The mortality rate of lung cancer in our city ranked second in all causes of death. To provide scientific basis for formulating lung cancer prevention and treatment plans and measures, we collected 3,151 outpatients, inpatients and healthy people in 1994, and used the newly developed “PAT Cell Fluid Accumulation Fluid Inspection Method” of China Medical University for examination. In 15 patients with lung cancer, the positive rate of detection was 393.82 per 100,000. Through statistical analysis, it was found that the positive rate of detection of lung cancer in people exposed to dust was significantly higher than that in other populations. The positive rate of lung cancer detection in pneumoconiosis patients is much higher than that in healthy people. It is suggested that the prevention and treatment of lung cancer in our city is to improve people’s production and living environment, especially dust prevention, as the main measure, and pneumoconiosis patients and older age groups are the key populations. At the same time, people are warned that smoking is harmful, and non-smoking is an important means for prevention and treatment of lung cancer.
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目的对西沙掘海绵Dysidea sp.进行化学成分研究。方法运用正相硅胶柱色谱、反相ODS柱色谱、凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱色谱以及高效液相色谱(HPLC)等多种分离手段对西沙掘海绵Dysi