
来源 :戏曲研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghtlx
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当今的河南豫剧界可谓名家众多,在人才济济的河南戏剧人中,青年导演张俊杰的声名尚不为人们所熟知。然而他导演的豫剧《风雨故园》,自2015年亮相第十四届中国戏剧节之后好评如潮,不但得到专家们的高度赞誉,还受到观众的普遍认可。虽然该剧的成功是基于陈涌泉的编剧水平、对鲁迅和朱安两个人物形象深刻的把握和理解、对女性命运的人文观照和人性关注,也离不开主演汪荃珍通过精湛的 Henan Henan opera industry today can be described as many famous, in the talent of Henan drama, the director Zhang Junjie’s reputation is not yet well known. However, he directed the operatic hometown of wind and rain, which has enjoyed great popularity since the fourteenth China Drama Festival was unveiled in 2015. It is not only highly praised by experts but also widely accepted by audiences. Although the success of the play is based on the screenwriter level of Chen Yongquan, profound understanding and understanding of Lu Xun and Zhu An’s two personalities, the humanistic concern and the humanity concern about the fate of women can not be separated from starring Wang Quanzhen through exquisite
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The organic thin-film field effect transistor was prepared through vacuum deposition by using teflon as dielectric material. Indium-tin-oxide acted as the sourc
维生素D缺乏性佝偻病发生于年长儿 ,称为晚发性佝偻病 (简称晚佝 )。本文报告 1 994年 4月— 1 999年1 0月经我们治疗的 9例。临 床 资 料1 一般资料 男 5例 ,女 4例 ,年
In this paper, we present a terahertz (THz) band-stop filter realized by fabricating a metallic T-shaped resonator pattern on the high-resistivity silicon wafer