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在广东新闻界,人们常用这句话来概括自已的工作感受:“工作好做,日子好过”。广东新闻工作这种局面的出现,是与省委领导同志,特别是省委第一书记任仲夷同志的关怀与支持分不开的。几年来,任仲夷同志一直很重视新闻工作,强调要解放思想,勇于创新,勇于改革,把报纸、广播、电视办活。他要求地方报纸、广播、电视,在坚持思想性、知识性、趣味性,注意群众性的同时,要突出地方性,办出自己鲜明的特色来。他要求舆论工具首先抓好具有政治意义和指导意义的重大新闻报道,同时又要重视一般读者所关心的社会新闻;不能光报道名人的活动,还要注意宣传那些不出名的普通人所作的好事;每篇新闻报道不仅应有好的内容,而 In the press in Guangdong, people often use this sentence to summarize their own work experience: “work well, the days are better.” The emergence of this situation in Guangdong’s news work is inseparable from the concern and support given by the leading comrades of the provincial party committee, especially Comrade Ren Zhongyi, the first secretary of the provincial party committee. Over the past few years, Comrade Ren Zhongyi has always attached great importance to news work, stressing that we should emancipate our minds, be bold in innovations, be bold in reform, and work for newspapers, radio and television. He demanded that local newspapers, radio and television should, while insisting on ideologicality, knowledge, interest and attention to the masses, highlight local features and create distinctive features of their own. He called on public opinion tools to grasp first major political reports of significance and political significance while paying attention to the social news that the average reader cares about. They should not just report on the activities of celebrities, but should also pay attention to promoting the good things done by the less famous ordinary people Every news story should have not only good content, but
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在棉花成熟前适时喷施乙烯利,不仅能使棉花提早成熟、早腾茬口,而且还可以提高霜前花率、增加籽棉的产量。其具体施用技术要点如下: 1、棉田类型:对各类晚熟棉田和需要赶种
胡适说:“学问之道两面而已,一曰广大(博),一曰高深(精),两者须相辅而行。务精者每失之隘,务博者每失之浅,其失一也。”  胡适是学界泰斗,他做了一辈子的学问,在多个领域有开创性的成就,但他做学问却一直在“博”与“精”之间矛盾彷徨。  胡适曾給自己下了个颇为精彩的判断:“吾生平大过,在于求博而不务精”。后人批评胡适的学问,也多着眼于其能“浅出”而不能“深入”。  1914年初,胡适即作过痛切的自省