养老保险新制度 运行中的问题 我国企业职工的养老保险是随着国家经济体制的建立而持续深化改革的,1997年《国务院关于建立统一的企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定》的颁布,标志着在我国初步建立起了适应市场经济发展要求的、统帐结合的新制度,并在社会经济各个方面发挥着积极的作用。但是,由于受企业生产经营困难,经济效益滑坡,欠缴养老保险费数额不断增加等因素的影响,
The problem of the new system of pension insurance in operation The pension insurance of the enterprise workers in our country is continuing to deepen the reform with the establishment of the national economic system. The promulgation of the “Decision of the State Council on Establishing a Unified System of Basic Pension Insurance for Employees” In our country, a new system of unified account and account that meets the requirements of market economy development has been initially established and has played an active role in all aspects of social economy. However, due to the influence of such factors as the difficulty of production and operation of enterprises, the decline of economic benefits and the increase of the amount of outstanding old age insurance premiums,