Inhibition of the growth and development of mosquito larvae ofCulex quinquefasciatus (Diptera:Culici

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangya110
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Objective:To determine larvicidal activity of the essential oil, hydrolat and botanical extracts derived from leaves ofPseudocalymma alliaceum on mosquito larvae ofCulex quinquefasciatus. Methods:Groups of twenty larvae were used in the larvicidal assays.The mortality, relative growth rate, the larval and pupal duration and viability was estimated.The essential oil was analyzed by solid phase microextraction using gas chromatography coupled to massspectrometry. Results:Essential oil at800 ppm showed larvicidal activity at24 h with lethal values ofLC50 and LC90of267.33 and493.63 ppm.The hydrolat at20% and10% on2nd stage larvae showed100% effectiveness after24 h.The aqueous extract at10% had a relative growth index of0.58, while the ethanolic and methanolic extract obtained values of0.76 and0.70 and control reached0.99. Larvae treated with10% of methanol, ethanol and aqueous extract showed a reduction in larval duration of5.00,2.20 and4.35 days; ethanol extract at1% provoke decrease of2.40 days in the development and exhibited an increment of3.30 days when treated with0.01%.Aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts at10% reduced in6.15,3.42 and5.57 days pupal development.The main compounds were diallyl disulfide(50.05%), diallyl sulfide(11.77%) and trisulfide di-2-propenyl (10.37%).Conclusions:The study demonstrated for the first time, the larvicidal activity of the essential oil and hydrolat ofPseudocalymma alliaceum; aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts inhibited the normal growth and development of mosquito larvae, prolonging and delaying larval and pupal duration.
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