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广安市国税征收局为进一步加强增值税的征收管理,规范纳税申报程序,按照国家税务总局关于重新修订《增值税一般纳税人申报办法》并从今年3月1日起执行的通知,积极组织全局人员学习其掌握操作步骤.同时宣传到位。一是在办税大厅电子显示屏滚动播出纳税公告.从2004年3月1日起,增值税一般纳税人实行新的纳税申报办法.启用新的纳税申报表;二是印发纸质宣传材料100余份、制作纳税辅导两期、编制纳税申报模拟例题及填表例文,一同发到每一户纳税企业手中;三是深入企业免费安装《废旧物质开具清单》和《废旧物质抵扣清单》.确保新申报办法软件从2004年3月1日正式运转。(黄晓梅 周齐)四川省广安市国税征收局 邮蝙:638000 In order to further strengthen the collection and management of value-added tax and to standardize the tax return procedures, the State Administration of Taxation of Guang’an City actively organized the overall situation in accordance with the Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Revising the Measures for the Declaration of General VAT-payers and exercising them on March 1 this year People learn to master the steps. At the same time propaganda in place. First, in the tax hall electronic screen rolling broadcast tax notice from March 1, 2004 onwards, the general taxpayers VAT implementation of the new tax reporting methods to enable the new tax returns; the second is printed paper promotional materials More than 100 copies of the production of tax counseling two issues, the preparation of tax returns simulation examples and fill in the form, together with the taxpayers sent to the hands of each household; third is the depth of enterprise free installation of “scrap material issuance list” and “scrap material deduction list” To ensure that the new application software from March 1, 2004 formal operation. (Huang Xiaomei Zhou Qi) Guang’an City, Sichuan Province, the National Tax Collection Post Bat: 638000
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。创优质服务之实 求行风建设之效——沁源县国税局剪影@闫丽霞 Please download to view, this article does not support onli
辽宁省铁岭市国家税务局铜钟税务所的苏字曾经获得很多荣誉称号: “优秀共产党员”、“先进工作者”、“优秀公务员”等,但他自己最看重的还是“纳税人最信赖的税官”这一口
本研究旨在观察六味地黄(Liu Wei Dihuang,LWDH)对D-半乳糖(D-galactose,D-gal)致衰老大鼠的学习记忆能力及中枢胆碱能神经系统的保护作用。采用成年Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠6