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日前,攀枝花市委、市政府召开市级机关老干部半年情况通报会。市委书记刘成鸣、市长张剡向在攀的近200名市级机关老干部代表通报了市委九届七次全会主要精神和省委书记王东明在攀调研时的重要指示精神,今年全市经济社会发展情况以及市委、市政府的最新重大部署。通报会由市委常委、组织部部长熊伟主持。刘成鸣对广大老干部对市委、市政府的支持表示感谢。他说,当前和今后一个时期,攀枝花将切实把中央和省委各项部署要求落到实处,围绕市委九届七次全体(扩大)会议暨县域经济工作会明确的全 Recently, Panzhihua municipal Party committee and municipal government held a six-year briefing of veteran cadres at city level. Party Secretary Liu Chengming and Mayor Zhang Jian briefed nearly 200 representatives of veteran cadres in municipal authorities about the spirit of the important directives of the Seventh Plenary Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress and Wang Dongming, secretary of the CPC Provincial Committee, when climbing the research institute. The economic and social development in the city this year As well as the municipal government’s latest major deployment. The briefing by the Municipal Committee, Organization Department Xiong Wei chair. Liu Chengming expressed appreciation to the majority of veteran cadres for their support to the municipal party committee and government. He said that at present and in the coming period, Panzhihua will earnestly implement the requirements of the deployment of the Central Government and the provincial Party committees in all practical measures. Focusing on the clearly defined all-round (expansion) meeting of the Seventh National Committee of the Ninth National People’s Congress and the county economic work conference
The viability and biological activity of Absidia coerulea in compressed or supercritical CO2 and C2H4 were studied. The specific activity of Absidia coerulea i
舌扁桃体青春期后多已萎缩,慢性舌扁桃体炎肿大临床较少见.我们于1987年收治1例,曾误诊为舌根部混合瘤,报告如下:患者张××,女,16岁.住院号:4993.主诉: 舌根部无痛肿块1年