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(一)引言在作水輪机的計算时,通常所要求得的不是水流作用于轉輪叶上的合力,而是这个力在圓周速度方向上以及与圓周速度相垂直的方向上的分力。前者使水輪机產生轉矩發生机械功,而后者由水輪机主軸之軸承所承担,因而發生摩擦反力矩。在設計水轮时,一切主要零件如主軸、軸承、动力傳动齒輪,傳动軸、轉叶强度等的計算,均將以此为根据,因此,此二力是水輪机零件計算的基礎。 (A) Introduction In the calculation of a turbine, what is usually required is not the resultant force of the water flow acting on the rotor blade, but the component of this force in the circumferential velocity direction and in the direction perpendicular to the circumferential velocity . The former causes the turbine to produce mechanical work of torque, while the latter is borne by the bearing of the main shaft of the turbine, so that the frictional reaction torque occurs. In the design of the water wheel, all the major components such as the spindle, bearings, power transmission gear, drive shaft, blade strength, etc. will be based on this, therefore, these two forces is the basis for calculation of turbine components .
从慷慨激昂的演讲到缠绵悱恻的情话,人类的语言能表达无穷无尽的情感。然而,语言是从何起源的?这个问题一直困扰着科学家。近日,美国麻省理工学院的语言学家宫川茂(Shigeru M
Author:Zhao Yiheng Title:A General Narratology Publication Date:December,2013Publisher:Sichuan University Press ISBN:9787561472934In Zhao Yiheng’s recent book
新型SONATA与旧型相比,加宽了车内空间,提高了豪华水平,改善了动力性。1 外形尺寸与结构 与旧型相比,新型SONATA降低了整车高度,造型更完美,更符合空气动力学原理。普通车型
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一、设计过程中的一些重要问题丹江口初步设计于1956年3月准备,同年7月正式开始设计,目前即将完成初步设计要点工作。 First, some important issues in the design process
Adsorption of xenon in zeolite MCM-22, a zeolite containing two separate pore systems, has been investigated in detail by variable temperature (VT) 129Xe NMR sp