
来源 :云南教育(视界综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong445
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2004年7月,临沧师范学校经临沧行政公署批准由中师改制为中学,更名为临沧市第二中学。9年来,学校不断完善内部管理制度,加强教师队伍建设,加强教学管理和德育工作,积极改善办学条件,全力提升学生综合素质,全面促进学校可持续发展,中学办学潜力不断得以释放,教育教学质量逐年稳步提升。针对学校由中师改制为中学的办学实际,改制初期,学校认真组织“解读中高考考试大纲”专题研究活动,开展“学习中学、研究中学、实践中学”教研活动,适时组织课堂教学竞赛、校本培训、外出考察学习等活动,促使教师不断加快转型的速度。近两年来,学校开展了初中学科及高考学科专业知识与专业能力竞赛活动,旨在促使教师加强考试研究,准确把握初中学业水平检测及高考相应学科试题的命题特点和价值取向,提高指导学生备考的能力。 In July 2004, Linyi Normal School was restructured into a middle school by the Linyi Administrative Office and was renamed Linyi No.2 Middle School. In the past nine years, the school has continuously improved its internal management system, strengthened the construction of its teaching staff, strengthened teaching management and moral education, actively improved the conditions for running schools, and made every effort to improve the overall quality of students, and promoted the sustainable development of the school in all aspects. The potential for secondary school education was continuously released, and the quality of education and teaching was also released. Year by year steadily. In view of the fact that the school is reformed from a secondary school to a secondary school, in the early stage of reform, the school organized the “Interpretation of the Examination Outline for the Middle and High School Entrance Examinations” and “Special Research Activities” to carry out “learning at a secondary school, research at a secondary school, practice in secondary schools” and teaching and research activities, and organized classes in a timely manner. Teaching competitions, school-based training, and outbound study and learning activities have prompted teachers to accelerate their transformation. In the past two years, the school has carried out competition activities in professional knowledge and professional ability of junior high school subjects and college entrance examination subjects. It aims to urge teachers to strengthen examination research, accurately grasp the propositional characteristics and value orientation of the junior high school industry level test and the corresponding subjects of the college entrance examination, and improve the guidance of students to prepare for the exam. Ability.
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