
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:matrix521
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Objective: To determine the feasibility of achieving births using sperm retrieved from a solitary testis with cancer. Design: Prospective clinical study of azoospermicmenwith testis cancer in a solitary testis. Setting: Infertility patients in an academic environment. Patient(s): Azoospermic men with previous history of orchiectomy and testis cancer in a remaining solitary testis. Intervention(s): Viable sperm were retrieved by immediate microdissection of paratumor testicular tissue from orchiectomy specimen. Main Outcome Measure(s): Live births were achieved using sperm from immediate microdissection of orchiectomy specimen with testis cancer. Conclusion(s): Azoospermic men with cancer in a solitary testis have potential for fertility. Objective: To determine the feasibility of achieving births using sperm retrieved from a solitary testis with cancer. Design: Prospective clinical study of azoospermicmenwith testis cancer in a solitary testis. Settings: Infertility patients in an academic environment. Patient (s): Azoospermic men with previous history of orchiectomy and testis cancer in a remaining solitary testis. Intervention (s): Viable sperm were retrieved by immediate microdissection of paratumor testicular tissue from orchiectomy specimen. Main Outcome Measure (s): Live births were achieved using sperm from immediate microdissection of orchiectomy specimen with testis cancer. Conclusion (s): Azoospermic men with cancer in a solitary testis have potential for fertility.
目的 :研究 2型糖尿病及糖耐量减低患者血清瘦素水平与肥胖、血糖、胰岛素水平、胰岛素抵抗指数及血脂水平的关系。方法 :将 3 0例 2型糖尿病患者和 90例糖耐量减低患者按体
近年来 ,糖尿病的发病率逐步增高 ,糖尿病的血管并发症也日益增多 ,尤其是糖尿病肾病的发生率 ,30 %~ 40 %糖尿患者有发生糖尿病肾病 (DN)的危险 ,DN不但严重影响着糖尿病患者的生
1 过敏反应患者 ,女 ,2 2岁 ,因扁桃体炎静脉推注头孢曲松 2g ,1 0min后 ,患者面部出现瘙痒 ,面部皮肤潮红 ,起风团 ,口服特非那定60mg 1h后 ,症状消失[1 ] 。2 过敏性休克患者 ,
一    从陕南重镇安康沿汉江东下120里,经旬阳葫芦城再东下140里,一座古色古香的小城映入眼帘,古树倒悬,枝叶槎桠,云蒸霞蔚,屋宇重叠。这里是北出关中、南抵湘鄂、西通川渝的古代官道要冲,其山川地貌十分奇特。  蜀河镇因河而名。蜀河之水发源于秦岭南麓,南流入汉江。  蜀国是与巴国齐名的重要古国,西周建立后,周武王封蜀国于今河南南阳以北地区。尚不强大的蜀国,迫于楚国的扩张逐渐向西迁徙。在西迁过程中
文章阐述了包头市昆都仑水库的概况及安全现状,指出确保水库安全及防洪抢险的措施。 The paper expounds the general situation and safety status of Qindulun Reservoir