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近几年,公路机动车辆的增长幅度大、速度快,与公路运输量的增长比例不协调,这是当前运输成本高、效益低、能源运力浪费较大等问题产生的主要原因之一。在这种形势下,货源问题就成为运输业户兴衰存亡的大问题。因此,积极探讨新形势下的公路运输货源管理,已成为公路运政管理部门的迫切任务。一、意义搞好新形势下的公路运输货源管理,对健康地发展公路运输业具有重要意义。 (一) 对货源实行有效管理,将相应地降低运输成本。仅以淄博汽车运输公司为例,一九八六年度货运汽车千吨公里运输成本是160.81元。比一九八四年的143.22元提高了12.28%,比一九八五年的151.31元提高了6.28%。诚然,运输成本的提高有着多种因素,但因为货源紧张,仅花费在组织货源上的费用就约计占营收额的0.2—0.5%。 In recent years, the growth of highway motor vehicles is large, fast and uncoordinated with the increase of road traffic volume, which is one of the major causes of the current transportation costs, low efficiency and large waste of energy capacity. Under such circumstances, the problem of supply has become a big problem for the transportation industry households. Therefore, to actively explore the supply management of road transport under the new situation has become an urgent task for the administration of the road transport administration. First, the significance of a good situation Under the new situation of road transport supply management, the healthy development of road transport industry is of great significance. (I) Effective management of supply sources will reduce transportation costs accordingly. In the case of Zibo Auto Transport Company alone, the transportation cost per kilo-kilometer for freight cars in 1986 was 160.81 yuan. This represents an increase of 12.28% from 143.22 yuan in 1984 and 6.28% higher than the figure of 151.31 yuan in 1985. It is true that there are many factors that increase the cost of transportation. However, due to the tight supply, the cost of organizing the supply of goods only accounts for about 0.2-0.5% of the total revenue.
S313 0020钴-60射线对枇杷种子辐射效应的探讨/李孙逵(福建省南安县经济作物局),卓小能//福建果树/福建农业科学院果树研究所.-1991,(1).-7~10 S313 0020 Effects of Cobalt
[摘 要]《C语言程序设计》是高校计算机教学的一门基础课,其任务是培养学生的逻辑思维能力及独立分析问题和解决问题的能力,使学生掌握高级程序设计的基本方法[1]。因此,实验教学在其中扮演了非常重要的角色。本文针对独立学院学生的特点,论述了C语言实验教学中存在的问题,并对“如何培养学生编程能力,提高实验教学质量”进行了探索,提出了相应的改革方法。教学实践表明,这些方法能有效帮助学生明确学习方向,锻炼编
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