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云南会泽供电有限公司担负着会泽县20个乡(镇)、101.7万人口的供电服务任务,供电区域5589.1平方公里。公司下辖7个供电所、23个营业点,供电总户数230964户,其中一户一表219265户,“一户一表”覆盖率达94.93%。多年来,该公司深入践行“万家灯火南网情深”的核心价值观,牢固树立“以客为尊和谐共赢”的服务理念,以创建“服务文化示范单位”为载体,致力于打造优秀的供电服务文化,供电服务水平和企业美誉度不断提升,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。公 Yunnan Huize Power Supply Co., Ltd. undertakes the power supply service tasks of 20 townships (towns) and 1.017 million people in Huize County with a power supply area of ​​5,589.1 square kilometers. The company administered 7 power supply stations, 23 outlets, power supply total number of 230964 households, of which 219265 households a table, “a table ” coverage of 94.93%. Over the years, the company has practiced the core values ​​of “Wankuang Nanwangqingshen ” and firmly established the service concept of “customer-oriented harmony and win-win ” to create "service culture demonstration unit As a carrier, committed to creating excellent service culture of power supply, power supply and service level and corporate reputation continue to improve, and achieved good social and economic benefits. public
判断每组单词是否属于同一类。同类的在下面相应的图中写上Yes,不同类的写出它的单词。 Determine if each group of words belongs to the same category. Write Yes in t
傍晚,雪又下起来了,天有点冷。雪花儿在天空中飘飘洒洒地飞舞着,它们多快乐呀。此时此刻,我 In the evening, the snow has fallen again, and the weather is a bit cold.
小奇同学: 你来信说,你爱读书,也爱动笔,所以进入中学之后,曾经萌生过当一名作家的念头。可是经过近一个学期的努力,你写的作文即便在班里也不能显山露水,更别说在报刊上发
(一)“If you refuse to marry me.”he swpre(发誓),“I shall die.”She refused(拒绝)him.Sixty years later,he died.(二)Effie:My aunt was very embarrassed(困窘的,
下面是座动物公寓,你可否根据画面内容完成后面的六道题呢? The following is a seat animal apartment. Can you complete the following six questions based on the scr
Jean:Welcome to my home!Here are all kinds of drink.Helpyourselves.Lucy,would you like a bottle of orange? Lucy:Yes,please. Jean:Lily,would you like a cup of l