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大批量组培繁殖月季,技术上要注意以下几点: 一、品种在月季组培过程中,品种间表现差异很大,必须根据品种采用不同的培养基配方。内源基素含量高的品种,培养基中所加激素的含量要相应减少,否则,分化出的无效苗会增多(即苗弱或呈玻璃苗);生根苗则会产生许多愈伤组织。这种生长在愈伤组织上的苗根,移栽时会随愈伤组织的死亡而死亡,成活率很低。如果品种内源激素含量少,则应在培养基中增加激素含量,让其达到一定分化率,使苗生根。二、培养 1.光照:月季是喜光植物,灯光较自然光培养的苗生长量小20%左右,分化率低10%,长势弱,木质化程度低、不易生根、成活率低。所以组 Large quantities of tissue culture rose, technically pay attention to the following points: First, the varieties in the process of tissue culture rose, the performance of different varieties vary greatly, must be based on the varieties of different media formulations. Endogenous high content of endogenous varieties of medium, the hormone content in the medium to be reduced accordingly, otherwise, the differentiation of the invalid will increase (ie, weak or glass seedlings); rooting will produce many callus. This seedling root, which grows on the callus, will die with the callus when transplanted, with a low survival rate. If the variety of endogenous hormone content is less, you should increase the hormone content in the medium, let it reach a certain rate of differentiation, so that seedlings rooting. Second, the training 1. Light: Rose is a hi-light plants, light natural seedling growth of less than 20% of the growth rate of 10% lower, weak growth, low degree of lignification, not easy to root, low survival rate. So group
他们注视你的时候,你要微笑。因为他们的心能看见。   这是上海市盲童学校里一群全盲或低视力的孩子。一次偶然的机会使我走进了这所学校,经过一次次沟通,终于有了拍摄的许可。镜头对准了低年级班的孩子,五月的阳光透过玻璃洒进教室,照耀着一双双紧闭无神的稚嫩眼睛,显得格外刺眼。他们手握盲笔,用尽全身力气有节奏地敲打着盲字,敏捷的速度毫不逊色于同龄普通孩子。一到下课,又是一副活泼的神态,互相打闹搀扶的纯真,