
来源 :中学时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coniji
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这是藏在我心中多年的一个秘密,也是一个谜。那年,骄阳似火的八月,我和一帮难兄难弟到母校复读。三年的放纵让我在高考中付出了沉重的代价,高考满分750分,我只考了350分。当我背着行李又站到母校的教学楼前,我才真正感受到什么叫耻辱,什么叫悲壮。仿佛一夜之间我就彻底成熟,篮球场上再也看不到我的龙腾虎跃,游戏厅里再也找不到我的如疯似癫,摇滚磁带早已束之高阁,武侠小说也当破烂卖了。我的生 This is a secret hidden in my heart for many years and it is also a mystery. In August of that year, in a hot summer, I went to the alma mater to read back a bunch of brothers. The three years of indulgence cost me a heavy price in the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination scored 750 points. I only scored 350 points. When I was carrying my luggage and standing in the school building of my alma mater, I really felt what was called shame and what was tragic. As if I had matured overnight, I couldn’t see my dragon leaping on the basketball court anymore, and I couldn’t find my crazy epilepsy in the game hall. The rock and roll tape had already been put on the shelf, and the martial arts novels were sold out. My life
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目的对比分析输尿管镜气压弹道碎石术和超声引导体外冲击碎石术治疗输尿管结石的疗效。方法 147例输尿管结石患者,根据治疗方法的不同将其分为即输尿管镜气压弹道碎石术组(UPL
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