一个6岁的孩子写出了7万字的长篇自传小说,6岁半一入学就读起小学5年级。面对这样的孩子,媒体一下子似乎又注射了兴奋剂:采访,摩肩接踵;报道,连篇累牍。 炒啊炒,炒到了一个小朋友。第一次见到这个又一例被冠以“小神童”的孩子,是在演播室里。这是两个月之内,小孩子第30次接受媒体的采访。作为记者,我有些吃惊。这种吃惊并非因为他写了多少万字的小说,而是基于一种担心:一个刚刚6岁多的孩子能承受得了
A 6-year-old child wrote a novel of 70,000 characters in lengthy autobiography. In the face of such children, the media seems to have injected stimulants at one go: interviews, cluttering one after another; Fried speculation, fry a little friend. The first time I saw this yet another example, a child named “Little Prodigy” was in the studio. This is the second time in 30 months, the children interviewed by the media. As a reporter, I was a bit surprised. Not so much because he wrote more than a million words of novels, but rather on the worry that a child just 6 years old could afford it