明确目标 落实责任 提高公安队伍执法水平

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几年来,我们按照县人大常委会关于建立执法责任制的决定精神,在全局实行了执法责任制及其一系列与之相配套的工作,从而增强了全局民警依法办案、秉公办案、文明办案、遵纪守法的自觉性,提高了整个队伍的执法水平,各项工作取得了前所未有的好成绩。1994年以来,全局荣立集体二等功、三等功各一次。我们的做法是:一、依照职责划分,层层建立执法责任制1990年,县人大常委会作出了关于建立执法责任制的决定,按照县里的部署和要求,我们对与公安工作直接相关的法律、法规进行了全面的梳理归类,涉及公安业务工作的法律、法规共有59部。根据下属单位的职能,各项法律、法规的内容,明确了这些法律、法规具体应由哪些科室去贯彻执行,并据此分四个层次制定了执法责 In recent years, according to the determination of the NPC Standing Committee on the establishment of a law enforcement responsibility system, we have implemented a series of law enforcement responsibility systems and a series of tasks that are in line with them, thereby enhancing the overall handling of cases handled according to law by the whole police, handling cases impartially and handling cases in a civilized manner, Consciousness of law-abiding, improve the law-enforcement level of the entire team, the work has achieved unprecedented good results. Since 1994, the collective second-class work has been established and the third-class work has been completed once. Our approach is: First, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, establish layers of law enforcement responsibility In 1990, the county people’s congress made a decision on the establishment of law enforcement responsibility system, according to the county’s deployment and requirements, we are directly related to public security work Laws and regulations were comprehensively classified, involving public security work law, a total of 59 law. According to the functions of subordinate units, the contents of various laws and regulations, it is clear which sections of these laws and regulations should be specifically implemented to implement them, and accordingly formulated law enforcement responsibilities in four levels
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以有关的国家标准规范为依据,讨论了高层民用建筑人防停车库的通风问题并提出了不同看法,认为人防停车库通风系统不必兼备防排烟功能。 Based on the relevant national stand